• Adam Del Duca
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  • What no one tells you about running a successful YouTube channel

What no one tells you about running a successful YouTube channel

Here's the truth...

Ever since the pandemic, the idea of making money online has become more and more popular amongst the mass market.

I'm not sure if it's because more and more people are seeing 20-year-olds driving around in Lamborghinis and owning Rolex watches, or if it's simply because people feel an impending need to make more money outside of their 9-5 job.

Whatever the reason is for people being more interested in making money online, I'm all for it.

And one of the reasons why is because of the flexibility that making money online offers you.

You see, when you work a 9-5 job, you are solely able to operate in the model of trading time for money.

For example, if you work as a financial analyst, there's no way for you to outsource part of your work in order to buy back your time or to scale up your output.

Put another way, your income is directly tied to the hours that you are putting in.

And this is where making money online, such as through running your own YouTube channel, definitely differs.

With a YouTube channel, if your life gets a little bit busier, you can simply start to outsource a few more of the components required to make your videos.

And if, all of a sudden, you go through a season where you have less on the go, then you can revert back and take on more work on your own.

That's simply not a level of flexibility that you can ever achieve at the job that you presently work at.

And this is why I think having a hybrid approach to your income is incredibly powerful for most people.

Being able to combine a 9-5 job along with a YouTube channel is a very powerful wealth-building strategy because you get the consistent income from the job that you currently have, along with all the benefits that come with it, while also being able to leverage the scalability that comes with building on the internet and the flexibility that comes with being able to outsource part or all of your YouTube channel's work.

Therefore, what successful YouTube channel owners don't tell you is that it's not just the money you can make on YouTube that's the real benefit of committing to this business model; it's the flexibility in lifestyle that most often proves to be one of the biggest benefits.

Because, as you know yourself, life responsibilities tend to fluctuate over time, and having a digital asset that will move with those responsibilities is a great thing to have in your corner.

Until tomorrow,
