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Need Help Making Money On YouTube? Start Doing THIS

This subtle but powerful YouTube strategy will help you make money on YouTube

Most people start their YouTube journey with one primary goal

To make money

If you ask me, this is an incredibly worthwhile goal


Because making extra money online allows you to:

  • Save more money

  • Stress less over bills

  • Enjoy more vacations

And the list goes on

The reality is that the majority of people need help to make this happen

More specifically, they need help generating the views on their channel

That will eventually lead to them being able to monetize via:

  • Ad revenue

  • Affiliate offers

  • Brand deals

  • Products

  • Exclusives

Which are all methods I walk my students through step-by-step inside Tube Academy

It’s for this reason that I’ve coined views as the “life blood” of your channel

When views are rolling in, your options are endless

But without them, your options are limited

So how do we get more views?

That’s the million dollar question

And we can learn how by leaning into the idea of “getting help”

What the hell are you talking about Adam?

Let me explain…

I was recently recommended a genius title hook used on a high performing video

What’s so good about this hook?

It specifically calls out a pain point of a prospective viewer

It makes the person being recommended this video think

“Yes, I am in this position - I bet this video will be useful”

And that’s when the click happens (as it has for 478,000 people and counting)

But here’s the secret sauce of this approach…

Are you ready?

Because this video solves a pain point (filming alone)

It also presents a golden opportunity to monetize by presenting a solution

What’s the solution in this case?

By pointing to all the tools (affiliate links) that one can use to record themselves

Without the help of other people - GENIUS!

To summarize we have:

Call out title + curated solution = cha-ching!

But let’s say you’re not in the film niche, how else can this be applied?

Dating niche (title + offer):

Struggle to get dates? Do this now + dating course

Lead generation niche (title + offer):

Not getting any leads? Here’s what to do + lead gen service

So on and so forth…

Give this sequence a try and let me know how it goes

Fino a domani,
