The Missing Ingredient To YouTube Success

If you're missing this one ingredient you have little chance at making money on YouTube...

Have you ever taken a bite of cake

And something just tasted “off”

As if there was a bit too much baking powder

Or not quite enough sugar?

These little errors in the ingredients used can turn a potentially delicious treat

Into something destined for the garbage can

Well, the same mistake can be seen on YouTube

And when made can have detrimental consequences on your ability to grow and monetize

If you ask me, the missing ingredient that plagues most unsuccessful channels is a lack of perspective

What I mean by this is that they are not thinking about the prospective viewers experience

Take for example this video “Top Ten Must-Visit Destinations for 2024: Wanderlust Worthy Adventures! “ with the following thumbnail:

Let’s touch on two issues with the picture we see above

One being more obvious than the other

First, we can see the that the thumbnail literally has a Fiverr watermark on it still

Which, if I’m a prospective viewer, is going to make me think that this video is going to be trash

If the channel owner didn’t even take the time to use the fully licensed image

So that’s the obvious miss here

But there’s also the triple split screen to talk about…

Let’s say that you are seeing this thumbnail on mobile

Whether you’ve got 20/20 vision or the vision of the average person

Seeing these attractions is going to be rather hard

And the average prospective viewer makes their clicking decision in less than 2 second

So if they aren’t captivated right away (due to a lack of visibility)

Then your video is dead on arrival

Which means you’ve spent all that time and money making the video

Only for the packaging to have let it down

The funny part is that if you watch this video it’s not even poorly made

But the way it presents itself is not aligned to the user having an enjoyable viewing experience

Hence it receiving less views than it could…

So before you make your next video ensure you’ve optimized it for maximum appeal

Which is what I walk my students through inside the Tube Academy trainings

This way, each video goes further in terms of growth and monetization

Making the journey of turning your channel into a cashflowing machine much, much easier

Chat tomorrow!
