• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • Are you making a mistake by starting a YouTube channel?

Are you making a mistake by starting a YouTube channel?

The truth you need to hear...

Whenever you make a massive decision in life, it can be incredibly stressful.

Not only is it stressful because you're often venturing into something that you've never experienced before, but you're also unsure whether or not you've selected the right path to go down.

For instance, if you haven't fully committed to building a YouTube channel just yet, then you may be wondering if building on other platforms like X or Instagram might be more worth your while.

Now, obviously, I'm going to be more biased towards YouTube, but there's a particular reason why.

That reason stems much beyond simply the success that I've achieved personally on YouTube.

You see, where YouTube outperforms these other platforms is in the shelf life of the content that you produce.

As someone who regularly posts content onto both X and Instagram and who has amassed a relatively decent-sized audience on both, I can tell you that, by far and away, YouTube is a much more robust and reliable platform to produce content on.

The reason being is that the content you produce on YouTube has a significantly longer shelf life than content on these other platforms.

On Instagram and X, what you post today will become completely invisible on the platform in 24 to 48 hours' time.

On the contrary, content that you produce today on YouTube can continue to generate income in the upcoming days, weeks, months, and even years.

You can think of building on these other platforms as renting versus buying a home.

When you rent a home, you enjoy the benefit of it while you continue to make payments to your landlord. However, once you stop renting that particular property, the benefit from it ceases to exist.

However, as an owner, not only are you able to reap the benefits of shelter on a daily basis, but you also end up reaping the rewards long-term when you eventually sell your home and collect the proceeds from it.

Therefore, while these other platforms are great tools that you can employ to not only build a loyal audience but also make a ton of money in the process, the platform that will offer you the greatest long-term returns truly is YouTube.

The fact that you can make content today and have it pay you nearly in perpetuity is something that these other platforms simply cannot offer.

So, if you're trying to make money online while not wanting to be required to produce content on a daily basis, then YouTube is definitely the platform for you.

Now all you have to do is…

Until tomorrow,
