How to make money on YouTube (the lazy way)

This is how you do it...

Do you ever feel like it's next to impossible to get ahead financially?

One of the biggest problems that the average person faces is finding reliable ways to make more money, especially ones that don't require you to pick up a second job or strain yourself more than you already are.

For instance, working your 9-5 and then having to drive around and do Uber Eats at night doesn't exactly give you the freedom to enjoy many of the finer things in life.

Sadly, this is a reality for many people, given how crazily expensive life has become in the last handful of years.

While making money on YouTube is far from being an easy feat, what most people don't realize is that there is a lazy way to go about it.

Curious what it entails?

Keep on reading, and let me give you a sneak peek into what it is.

You see, when you start a YouTube channel, you can really create it around anything that you want.

You can talk about basket weaving.

You can talk about your country's politics.

You can even talk about how you can recycle your bath water to save yourself money every single month.

While all of these topics can likely gather you somewhat of an audience on the platform, not all of them are likely to allow you to make money the lazy way

Especially if your goal is to make at least a few thousand dollars a month on YouTube.

You see, the trick behind making money the lazy way on YouTube is simply starting your channel in a high CPM niche.

These are niches where advertisers are paying top dollar for every thousand views that their ads are subjected to which means, for you as a channel owner, you're getting more money in your pocket for every thousand views that your videos generate.

As an owner of a personal finance channel on YouTube, I can tell you firsthand that it's entirely possible to make $10,000 or more per month simply through ad revenue alone.

This means all you have to do is create the content, upload it on YouTube, enable ads, and wait for those paychecks to start rolling in.

There's no need to coordinate brand deals, find affiliate offers, or start selling your own digital or physical product.

Personally, I think that for the busy 9-5er who's trying to build a YouTube income without spending all day and night working on their channel, these niches are absolutely the best to pursue.

They satiate your desire for making more money without having to invest all of the free time that you have outside of your job.

What's unfortunate, though, is that most people have no idea how to even identify these niches in the first place.

As a result, they start their channels in lower-paying niches and, despite getting a modest amount of monthly views, never make more than a few hundred dollars per month.

And if you're reading this email right now, I know that you have much higher aspirations than that.

Given how big of an issue this is for the average channel owner, this Saturday, August 31st, I'll be hosting the $10,000 per Month Niche Framework Workshop.

Here's how this workshop will go down:

First, I'll share with you key niche fundamentals and the two types of niches that exist on YouTube.

Without an understanding of the niche fundamentals, you're likely to start spending your precious time and money building a channel that doesn't align with your YouTube goals.

For most people, this means spending at least a couple of years before realizing that the channel they're building was set up for failure from the beginning.

Second, I'll share with you the exact steps you need to take to validate your $10,000 per month niche.

Without criteria to validate against, your channel is likely to be misaligned with the goals that you want to achieve on YouTube.

By having guardrails that you can work within, you'll automatically feel more confident in the niche that you decide to move forward with.

Thirdly, I will walk you through the five most effective niche discovery strategies on YouTube.

Finding the niche that's right for you is both an art and a science. Sadly, most people never get their channel started because they don't even know where to begin when it comes to finding their perfect niche.

Therefore, I'm going to personally walk you through the five most effective strategies that you can use to find a winning niche.

Finally, I will share with you the 10 channel types that you absolutely need to avoid if you ever want to make money on YouTube.

Believe it or not, there are certain channel types that you absolutely need to avoid starting on YouTube.

These channels will have you infringing upon YouTube rules and policies and struggling to gain any traction on the platform.

By knowing them, you'll automatically put yourself ahead of thousands of channels on the platform and ensure that the time and money you're spending on your channel will be put to good use.

If you've been sitting around thinking about which niche you should create your channel around or wondering which one will help you grow and monetize in as short a time span as possible, then the $10,000 Per Month Niche Framework workshop is for you.

Tickets to attend the workshop are just $100.

I'm running the workshop on August 31st, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EST.

I'm not selling the recording either.

Lock in your $10,000 Per Month Niche Framework Workshop ticket below, and you'll receive your meeting set up link immediately.

Talk tomorrow,
