How To Make Money On YouTube In 5 Minutes

This one element is key to getting more views...

Something you probably don’t know about me is that I like to go fast

No, not in the “race your car down the highway” type of manner…

I mean I like to move fast through the activities in my day-to-day life

I want to meal prep fast

I want to workout fast

I want to get through things and progress

And chances are you are the same…

How do I know this?

Because humans can be rather impatient

We want results and we want them yesterday

And YouTubers who are running the platform know this

And are using it to their advantage

Soon, you will be too

But only after I share with you an example…

Today we will look at a popular video on the channel Appetizing TV

This channel shares step-by-step baking tutorials

And generates millions of views every single month


Not only are the videos very instructive

But the video packaging is on point…

For the video shown below for example…

2.8 million views in just the last 8 days…

But how?

Beyond the creation of a high-quality video

This video’s title is doing a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to its success

And it does this by tapping into our desire for fast results

This video will show you how to make a delicious dessert in just 5 minutes

We all have 5 minutes to spare, right?

But if the video was “Dessert in 2.5 hours”

All of a sudden it’s a lot less enticing (no matter how delicious the dessert!)

That’s why the framework [desired result] + [minimal timeframe] works time and again…

So, if you’re in the finance niche, teach someone how to master budgeting in 5 minutes

If you’re in the golf niche, teach someone how to correct their slice in 5 minutes

Try this out and you’ll be impressed by the results…

On another note, Today is Gumroad Day

This means Gumroad will not be charging me any fees on any sale I make today.

This means I’m saving money and as such you should too…

Tube Automate will be 50% off until midnight

But only for the first 10 people who take action

This is a Black Friday level sale.

Get it here 

Until tomorrow,
