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  • How To Make $10,000/mo on YouTube (On A Low Budget)

How To Make $10,000/mo on YouTube (On A Low Budget)

Imagine making $10,000 a month on YouTube…

How would your life change?

Would you quit your job? Hire a maid? Pay off your debts?

The good news is that it’s entirely possible

I’ve done it on multiple channels

And here’s the best part

I did it without breaking the bank

You see, it’s not that hard to make $10,000/mo

When you’re spending $10,000/mo making content

But making this amount on a budget

That’s an art in and of itself…

To do so, you need to understand market dynamics on YouTube

On YouTube, you can compete in two types of markets

  • Red Markets: existing market with many competitors

  • Blue Markets: untapped market with few competitors

To win in red markets, you need:

  • Personal brand advantage

  • Professional-level editing

  • Designer-quality thumbnails etc.

An example of a channel employing this strategy is Media Magnates:

In short, your strategy is to outperform your competition

This is how you capture attention on the platform

As you can imagine, this approach takes WAY more resources…

To win in blue markets, you need:

  • Timely market research

  • General understanding of ideation and production

In the blue market strategy, your barrier to entry is much lower

You are satisfying an untapped market versus trying to wedge your way into a pre-existing one

An example of a channel that took advantage of a blue market was Health & Longevity:

This channel generated 12 million views in the 6 months it was posting content

At a RPM of $5, this channel would have made a cool $60,000 during this time (or $10,000 a month)

If you watch their videos, they are very basic in terms of their structure and editing style

Each video could have easily been made for $50 versus the $500+ that’s required to generate videos like the ones you see on channels like Media Magnates…

So, taking the blue ocean approach to YouTube Automation is the key to success, right?

Yes and no…

Yes, it can give you opportunities for fast money and can be viable on a low budget

But here’s the thing…

Once you lose first movers advantage, the market will catch up

If you don’t have a competitive advantage (editing style, storytelling, connection) then your channel will die off just as fast as it took off

This was the case with Health & Longevity…

New entrants joined this niche, saturated the market and all of a sudden the total demand was spread across numerous carbon copy channels

This has resulted in this channel’s views dropping significantly and the channel stopping posting altogether

This is why I generally advocate for my students to pick a niche with:

  • High audience interest

  • High creator interest

Then I ask them to stick with the process and build out their own position in their niche

Yes, this takes a lot longer but it also builds an asset that will pay you for years

Versus the 6 months or less that untapped niche channels typically last

In short, you have a choice…

Be the hare or the tortoise

If you know how the story ends

Then you’ll know which one to choose…

Ps. I am taking on 3 new one-on-one students in October. If you are willing to invest in mentorship and grow a channel from scratch then apply here: https://tinyurl.com/tubeoct