• Adam Del Duca
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  • How to make $100,000 a year on YouTube (on the side)

How to make $100,000 a year on YouTube (on the side)

It takes less time than you think...

The other day, I was reading an article that made my jaw drop to the floor.

The article stated that if you wanted to live a $100,000-a-year lifestyle from the early 2000s, where you could take your family on vacation multiple times a year and comfortably afford a nice house, food, and the niceties of life, you would now have to earn $250,000 a year.

To me, that is absolutely absurd, but quite frankly, I'm not surprised.

Right now, between just myself and my fiancée, we're spending $2,000 a month just on groceries.

And buying even a modest brand new car these days will run you $40,000 or more.

It's for this reason that we see so many people flocking to side hustles and opportunities to make money outside their nine-to-five jobs.

The trouble is, though, that many of these opportunities fail to make you any appreciable amount of money.

For instance, driving for Uber or doing DoorDash isn't exactly going to line your pockets with a ton of extra money every single month.

It's for this reason that, to gain more returns on their time, people are looking online to build up a secondary stream of income.

One of these people was my student, Eric.

When Eric first signed up to work with me, he had one goal in mind: to build a scalable income online. And he figured that, given his skill set, YouTube was a perfect platform to do just that.

Fast forward to the end of 2023, and his YouTube channel, with just 15,000 subscribers, generated over $110,000 in income and even got him featured in the highly renowned business newsletter, Starter Story.

However, what's even more impressive than the six-figure income and being publicly acknowledged for his great success is that he was able to do it while working a demanding 9-5 job.

You see, most people think that in order to build up a successful YouTube channel, they have to invest full-time hours in order for it to work.

Well, Eric's proven that's absolutely not the case.

Sure, it does take a good amount of work, and no one's denying that, but most people, whether they want to acknowledge it or not, have a handful of extra hours in a week that they can use to produce at least one video.

And for much of 2023, that's all that Eric was uploading on the platform.

By selecting a niche with high income potential and understanding the principles of supply and demand, he was able to penetrate his niche's market and cash in big time.

Therefore, as we enter the last four months of the year, understand that you don't need to grow a massive channel or quit your job in order to make a full-time income online.

In Eric's case, investing just a few of his free hours per week into his channel allowed him to make over six figures per year on the side, and you can do the same.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. Tomorrow, I will be opening up 10 new spots inside Tube Academy for the entire month of September. If you want to get on the waitlist before they open, reply back with “Tube,” and I’ll send you the details.