The magic of YouTube money

Why you need some...

Have you ever heard of the concept of printing money?

Very likely, you have, as the U.S. has been doing this for the last few years, causing prices at the grocery store to hit all-time highs.

I mean, why am I paying over $10 for three heads of romaine lettuce?

Can someone explain this to me?

The good news is that it's not just the U.S. government that's able to print money at will because you yourself can start to do it too.

You see, at a job, your boss will tell you how much money you're making this year and every other year you work there. On YouTube, your income is totally under your control.

If you want to make more money, there are only two things you have to do.

The first is to gain more proficiency in YouTube as a platform, to understand how to ideate and produce your videos to attract the audience that you want to serve.

The second is to simply upload more videos over time and then monetize through the various means that exist on the platform.

Now, obviously, that's a very simplified explanation of how you go about doing this, but truly, this is the process that's required.

Now, once you have this process mastered, here's where the fun part begins.

You see, YouTube money is kind of like magic money in my eyes.

The reason being is that most people don't start a YouTube channel to do it full-time.

Instead, they start to build a reliable side stream of income that they can use to supplement what they're making at their 9-5 job or alongside the business that they run.

What's great about this is that it turns that YouTube income into magic money.

Why is it magical?

Because it's extra income that goes right into your pocket at the end of every month.

You see, at your job, you're basically earning an income to cover your day-to-day costs.

Your salary covers your mortgage or rent, it covers your groceries, your car payments, your gas, etc.

But when you have those things covered with your 9-5 income, then YouTube money is a cherry on top.

It's that extra money that you have to book your next vacation, to speed up your retirement, or just to treat yourself to that new watch that you've been eyeing for a few months.

That's the magic of it—not only to be able to make extra money when and how you want, but also to give you that extra purchasing power that, quite frankly, is basically mandatory these days.

Again, can someone please explain why I'm paying $10 for three heads of romaine lettuce?

Therefore, while I can't give you legislative power to print money at will, a YouTube channel is probably the closest thing to that.

And the sooner you start turning on your own YouTube money-printing machine, the sooner you'll reap the rewards.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. One Tube Academy spot has been claimed. 9 are left. Reply, “tube” if you want the details.