• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • I Made $30,000 With Just One Video (Here's How)

I Made $30,000 With Just One Video (Here's How)

Today, I’m going to share with you something I’ve never told anyone before

Not my friends, family or girlfriend!

What’s my secret?

No, it’s not that I like pineapple on my pizza

Or that I sleep with my socks on…

It’s how I generated over $30,000 with a single YouTube video

In the next couple minutes I will break down my whole thought process behind the following components of this video:

  • Title

  • Thumbnail

  • Video structure

Make sure to read every part of this email carefully

It may just be your ticket to your own 5-figure video

Let’s dive in!

The video that earned me $30,000 (in ad revenue) is titled:

“10 Money Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Costs | How To Be Good With Your Money“

Here’s the history of this videos earnings to date:

It’s pretty incredible that you can take $50, put it into the YouTube money machine and $30,000 can come out

However, this doesn’t just happen on a whim

It takes the combination of a great title, thumbnail and video. Let’s talk about each of these three now!


“10 Money Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Costs | How To Be Good With Your Money“

When crafting this title, I wanted to trigger what’s known as “loss aversion”

If you’re unfamiliar, loss aversion is defined as:

“an individual's tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains.”

For instance, most people would be more emotionally impacted by losing $5,000 than winning the same amount

As such, I wanted there to be something to lose if a viewer were to come across this video’s title and not click to see what mistakes they could be making

You will also notice that I have a break in my title where I then include a keyword I wanted to rank for which was “How To Be Good With Your Money”

This use to be a prevalent titling style back in the day but is no longer needed or recommended


The thought process behind this thumbnail includes a few elements

First is the image…

Here I have my Betterment Boss character holding a coffee

This is to make viewers consider whether their normal habit of drinking coffee is keeping them broke

This instantly makes the video more applicable to those who may decide to click on it

I mean who doesn’t drink coffee, right?

The red arrow also places more emphasis on the coffee cup and is a great tool for directing a potential viewers line of sight

Next, there’s the text…

I use four words on this thumbnail

On YouTube, you only have a split second to get a viewers attention

So when it comes to text, less is more

Next, the text includes the words “you” and “poor”

I call this issue out personally through the use of the word “you”

The word “poor” is the consequence of making these money mistakes

Of which people can learn about by clicking on this video (which 3 million people did)

Finally, there’s the color combination on the thumbnail

In Tube Freedom I talk about how to use the color wheel to make eye-catching thumbnails

Here I am using yellow and red as complementing colors to have my thumbnail stand out amongst the rest

Video structure:

Have you ever seen a Buzzfeed or Cosmo article before?

They title their articles:

“10 ways to get a guy interested”

“13 things you wish you knew before going to college”

There’s a reason for this…

People love feeling a sense of completion

When you create lists, you give the reader/viewer an end point to reach

On YouTube, this means getting your viewer to want to consume every point on your list

And the further down the list they go, the more watch time your video will get

When high watch time is paired with an intruiging title and eye-catching thumbnail…

A $30,000+ video may just be on your hands :)

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

If you want to learn how to make your first $25k or $100k on YouTube, check out Tube Ignite and Six-Figure Tuber

If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch