Why Being LAZY Is The Key To YouTube Success

Don't let a lack of laziness stop you from achieving your YouTube dreams...

Listen to a speech by any of the all-time greatest motivational speakers

Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, John Maxwell

And one thing you’ll hear them preach over and over

Is the importance of hard work

Yes, hard work has a place in life

But sometimes being a little bit lazy can help you more than you’d expect…

What do I mean by this?

Let me explain

YouTube, and social media in general, is a game of adaptation

Put another way, it requires you to find what’s working

And emulate it in your own way

Sometimes this emulation is in the form of selecting a niche

Sometimes it’s in the way a video is edited

And other times it relates to a video’s format and packaging

For example, you’ve likely been recommended a video similar to these:

They are concise summaries of highly interesting topics presented with a similar title and thumbnail structure

The question is, if it works for them, can it work for you too?

Well, it worked for the channel Plainly Put

Scaling their channel to 400,000 monthly views in just 30 days time…

If you notice, the channel has only uploaded 10 videos

They didn’t simply “work hard”

Which is commonly approached via publishing as many videos as humanly possible

They took the “lazy” but more accurately put “strategic” approach to video creation

And so far it’s working out great

So, as a general piece of YouTube advice

You should be spending as much time studying the platform

As you’re spending making your videos

So that your valuable time and money are put behind videos with a fighting chance for success

In other words, be a little lazier 🙂

Until tomorrow,
