The KEY To Getting Tons of Views on YouTube

Here's what many people mistakenly overlook...

Whether you like it or not

There is only one metric on YouTube that really matters

What is it?


Views offer a channel the following benefits:

  • Subscriber growth

  • Offer traffic

  • Brand awareness

  • Ad revenue etc.

Basically all of the rewards that would prompt someone to start a channel

The trouble is that generating a significant amount of views is easier said than done

However, it’s even harder when you knowingly (but probably unknowingly) sabotage your video’s success without even knowing it…

Do I have your attention now? Good!

A concept that’s important to understand when trying to generate high view counts on your channel is the “Addressable Market”

This is how many people your video can serve

Typically, when an addressable market is small

The total view potential is small

An example would be a channel that makes videos for left-handed golfers in Chile

When a large addressable market is targeted

The potential for views increases significantly

An example of this would be content targeted at fat loss

Where many channels go wrong is that they target these small addressable markets and then wonder why their videos fail to generate any views

Take this video for example:

A helpful video no doubt but how many people are they really addressing?

Put another way, how many people on YouTube are sitting around with $1 million in the bank

Likely few…

This means there’s a small addressable market for this video

And the view count supports that fact…

But if we flip the script and look at a similar idea that taps into a larger addressable market the results are quite different

It’s much easier to address a large viewing audience with content around investing “small” or “tiny” amounts of money


Because this is a lower bar for people to overcome in order for the video to be relevant to them (i.e. everyone has at least a bit of money to invest)

So the next time you’re uploading a video think to yourself, “how many people can this video really serve”

If it’s few then you may want to reconsider…

I am opening up 3 spots for channel reviews between now and the end of the week (Note: not free)

If you want the details, reply to this email “review” and I’ll personally get back to you

Chat tomorrow,
