Is this keeping you broke?

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You go to start your morning with a hearty breakfast

You prepare your toast, cut up your fruit

But then you realize one ingredient is missing: eggs

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you should have heard about the egg crisis

In the US, egg prices rose 20% to almost $5 per dozen - insane…

But it begs the question, why so much outrage?

I think people are revolting for 2 reasons

First, no one likes feeling like they’re being taken advantage of

As such, why would I want to pay $5 per dozen eggs today

When I was just paying $3 six months ago…

Then there’s reason number 2

Which if you ask me is the more sinister of the two

The second reason relates to purchasing power

As I just mentioned, egg prices rose 20% in a single month

Guess what? Most people’s salaries don’t increase 20% in 5 years

Let alone in a 30 day span…

As such, when people see that eggs are rising at that staggering of a rate

They can literally feel their purchasing power melting away…

Quite frankly, this is why I send you an email every single day

Because one of these emails will be the trigger that makes you move

That makes you take action and build an income stream online

It could be YouTube, a blog, Instagram theme pages

Obviously I am biased towards YouTube but the main thing is that you take action

Because let me tell you what…

People who are making an abundance of money every month didn’t even notice that the price of eggs went up

And nor should you

You have enough to worry about: friends, family, health etc.

Your ability to buy eggs (or any necessities for that matter) should not take up mental bandwidth

So let this be a reminder that we still have 10 months left in the year

Now’s the time to start so that in 2026 you don’t care if eggs are $1 per dozen or $10

Until tomorrow,


P.S. I am offering 5 special spots inside Tube Academy in early March. If you want to skip the line and get the details now, reply “deets” and I’ll send them over.