Is this even legal?

Watch out...

Have you ever heard about the chocolate bar resumé?

A few years ago, the job market was brutal

People were downright struggling to get jobs

They would send in resumé after resumé just trying to get a call back

And sadly most fell upon deaf ears

However, there were a few candidates who decided to change things up

And ensure that their resumés were consumed (literally)

How did they do this?

By sending in their resumé in the form of a chocolate bar

In many cases, these unique resumés were a hit

Landing countless jobs for those who used this strategy

Why did it work?

It provided the value reviewers needed via a unique mechanism (chocolate bar vs. paper)

Well, unsurprisingly, this same concept works incredibly well on YouTube

And here’s an example of it in real time…

The channel Kenmi recently released a video on “how I sell pixel art for passive income”

The result? A 100x outlier that is still generating 100s of views per hour as at the time I’m writing this email…

Why was it so popular?

Because it satisfied 2 key criteria

First, it satisfied people’s key desire “making passive income”

Second, it presented the solution via a unique mechanism “selling pixel art”

Let’s face it, making money with dropshipping or reselling is old news

But pixel art? Color me interested!

Therefore, when making your own videos, aim to target topics in low supply

Be different if you want to stand out

Because as you can see, when done right, the results can be substantial

Until tomorrow,


P.S. Getting a ton of people asking for Tube Academy details before I open up new spots. If you want them as well, reply “early” and I’ll send them over.