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The INSANELY Easy Way To Get More Views On YouTube

Try this out if you're struggling for views...

It’s the end of the week and you’ve just put your finishing touches on your next masterpiece of a YouTube video

The next day it goes live!

24 hours later - no views

48 hours later - 2 views

72 hours later - 32 views

3 days after its release you think to yourself

“I just spent 8 hours making this video only to get 32 views?!?!?!”

While my videos don’t get 32 views anymore

I still vividly remember how frustrating this used to be

Such a large investment for so little payoff

Today, I’m going to share one strategy that will give your videos a higher chance of getting clicked on

So that you can escape the 30 view trap forever

And streamline your path to YouTube success…

One of the easiest ways to reach more people on YouTube is to broaden your video topic

What do I mean by broaden it?

I mean making it applicable for a larger total audience

For example, take the following two videos:

The first shares some of the most luxurious travel destinations in the world

Are they fun to learn about? Of course

But when you think about it a little bit more, how applicable are “billionaire destinations” to the average person?

Not that applicable hence the low view count on a relatively large channel

Now let’s look at the second video

It shares top 10 insanely cheap destinations

This means that the video can target those looking to travel on:

  • A small budget

  • A moderate budget

  • A large budget

Whereas the former only targeted the 0.001% of the final grouping…

Therefore, if you’re trying to reach more people with your videos

Consider how applicable your video will be on the platform

The less broadly applicable or relevant

The lower the total potential views…

Test this one out and let me know how it goes!

Until tomorrow,
