The MOST Important Word on YouTube

If you don't know it then you'll never grow your channel...

When you think of YouTube, what words come to mind?

Some words are probably titles, thumbnails (and money too!)

While important, those aren’t the ones we are going to be talking about today…

If you truly care about becoming successful on YouTube

You need to truly understand this one word…


Now, you may be thinking to yourself

“Adam, do you mean watch time or session time?”

Those are important metrics and good topics for another day

But in this context time means so much more

Time is not a metric but a means of exchange

It’s what your viewers give you in exchange for their most precious asset

What is that asset?

Duh…it’s their time

And because of that you need to make sure your videos are worth their while

Otherwise, you’re basically stealing some of their precious life away from them

A crazy way to think about it, right?

That’s why for instance, in Tube Freedom I share how to not only make your videos highly clickable

But ensure the content within them keeps those viewers around

Unfortunately that’s only half the battle

The other half is conveying that your videos are going to deliver a ton of value

And you do that through your titling

Here’s an example of videos employing this approach to great success:

Why does it work so well?

Because it conveys that those watching the video will enjoy a significant return of value for their time

Which is ultimately what makes the best experience for a viewer

For example, if you’re in the finance niche then your next video could be:

“All of Warren Buffett’s Best Advice In Just 9 Minutes”

Or if you’re in the tennis niche:

“All tennis beginner mistakes and their fixes in just 12 minutes”

High value + set time constraint = views

Views = subscribers & money

And isn’t that all what we want more of?

Yesterday, one of the 2 spots were claimed to work with me one-on-one. If you want the second spot, reply “last spot” to this email for details (not cheap)

See you tomorrow,
