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The Most Important Part of YouTube Success No One Talks About

This may just change your life...

When you think about YouTube success, what comes to mind?

Is it getting a Gold or Silver Play button?

Is it making your first $10,000/mo online?

Is it speeding up your financial freedom?

All of these are commendable goals but they don’t touch on one of the most important parts of YouTube success no one talks about…

You see, it’s sexy to talk about making money while you travel

Or retiring at age 45

But until you’ve achieved these longer-term milestones

It’s important to consider the true value of using YouTube to generate an additional income

Let me give you a few examples of where my own YouTube success has come in handy…

Example 1: Groceries

As someone who eats a ton, I am greatly affected by changes in food prices

I’m sure you’ve seen food prices skyrocket too

I mean, how does a bag of oatmeal go from $1.50 to $2.99 in the matter of a year?!?!

The trouble is, you’re not going to stop eating so you then have two choices:

1. Downgrade your diet (bad)

2. Make more to maintain your health (good)

However, your job raise probably won’t make up for the 100% inflation in price

But an online business can

So it’s crazy to think but having a YouTube business is literally what’s allowing me to stay ahead of these insane price increases that we are currently experiencing

Example 2: Insurance

The other day, I received my home insurance renewal

For context, I bought my house 4 years ago

Since then, home insurance has doubled

Again, most people’s incomes don’t double in 4 years

So having online income that can scale at this rapid pace again has proven to be incredibly handy

Example 3: Housing

This one really grinds my gears

You see, I’m about to get married and intend on starting a family

And buying a single family home in my city is not a walk in the park

These sized homes start at $1 million and only go up from there

Back when I was relying 100% on a 9-5 income saving $500 a month

It would have been a pipe dream to ever afford one of these homes

As it would have taken decades to save up the downpayment needed to facilitate this purchase

With scalable online income it’s still challenging but is much more within the realm of possibilities

Again, I know this topic isn’t sexy

It’s not a trick or hack for growing and monetizing on YouTube

But every once in a while I like to share the real world benefit of really committing to YouTube

Because that extra income it can earn you will be needed in so many different aspects of your life

Or at least it has been for me

So if you’re just getting started on YouTube, have started but are stuck or are gaining momentum - just keep going!

The payoff will be worth it in the end

Note: All Tube Academy spots are filled.

Chat tomorrow,
