• Adam Del Duca
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  • The Important Lesson A Red Ferrari Taught Me About YouTube

The Important Lesson A Red Ferrari Taught Me About YouTube

This will change the way you see money...

What’s your favorite car company?

Is it Mercedes?

Is it BMW?

For me, growing up as an italian, there is no more prestigous car than the Ferrari

And because of this, every year, I attend my city’s Ferrari Car Festival

This year, was no different

This past Saturday, I went to the event with my fiancée

While I have been to this event over a dozen times, this year was different

No, it wasn’t because of the different cars on display

No, it wasn’t because I got gelato to pair with my car gazing

It was because seeing those $250,000 cars struck me with a deep revelation

Instead of just admiring the cars’ aesthetics, I looked a little closer

What I noticed was that each car had a little sign that indicated the owners name and his affiliations

As I read each card, I noticed one common theme

They were ALL business owners

Some owned restaurants, some owned contracting companies

Some even owned kitchenware stores…

And guess what I didn’t see - not a single 9-5 employee

There was no manager of accounting on those cards

Nor was there a senior software engineer

Seeing all of those business names validated the decision I made many years ago

To start my own business running YouTube channels online

I was blessed in my early 20s to realize the limitations of the job I was in

And that the 2% raises I’d receive were never going to get me ahead (and definitely wouldn’t buy me a Ferrari)

But when you start making an extra $5,000 a month, $10,000 a month or more online

You start to see a glimmer of hope

And that hope for me is one day having my own Ferrari to show off at this event

So, if you have big financial goals to then keep this lesson in the forefront of your mind

Announcement: 2 spots remain to join Tube Academy

If you’re ready to invest in growing and monetizing your own YouTube channel, reply back “tube” and I’ll send you the details

Happy Monday,
