- Adam Del Duca
- Posts
- If you want to 10x your YouTube views in 2025 start doing this
If you want to 10x your YouTube views in 2025 start doing this
Here are some gems to start using immediately...
Have you ever heard of the book “The 4-Hour Workweek”
It’s a book about building and automating a business
So that you can make loads of money
While still enjoying a ton of day to day freedom in your life
This is one of the books that got me interested in online business in the first place
And why I picked up the book comes down to one key reason: the title
I mean, let’s call it like it is, who wouldn’t want to only work 4 hours a week?
The title is catchy and a little provocative because let’s face it - it kind of seems too good to be true…
I feel fortunate that the author Tim Ferriss is such a copywriting genius
Because this book changed my life forever
And the title of this book is a reflection of how powerful titles truly are in engaging people
Case and point - YouTube titles
If right now you’re not generating the amount of views on your channel you desire then upleveling your titles is a powerful way of going about it
As such, I want to share 3 title formats that I believe can propel your channel to new heights this upcoming year:
1. Confusion titles
Confusion prompts intrigue and intrigue results in clicks.
It can’t be summarized any better than that.
When you are crafting titles, think about how you can position your video to go against common convention (e.g. Steroids are bad) Note: I do not condone steroid use…
This will prompt viewers to have to click on your video to find out what they may be doing wrong.
2. Time Value
Time is our most valuable resource.
As a viewer on YouTube, we want to maximize the return on our time when on the platform.
This return on time can come in the form of entertainment, educational value or both.
It’s for this reason that titles that promise to provide viewers with a substantial amount of value in a condensed time period are highly appealing.
3. Low Barrier
Positioning videos to be more broadly applicable is essential in generating more views.
The reason being that the placement of barriers (time, money etc.) closes off videos from being relevant to those who come across them.
For example, a video about how to invest $1,000,000 will be less broadly applicable than a video about how to invest $100.
The more broadly applicable that your videos (and titles) are, the larger view potential your content will have (e.g. starting a business with $0)
In 2025, stop holding back the potential of your videos by mispackaging them
Employ any of these titles strategies and watch your views reach new all-time highs on your channel
Let’s call these a belated Xmas gift!
Chat tomorrow,