I would avoid this if I were you

Check this out...

You know what sucks about the weekends?

It’s that on Saturday’s you’re closing out the last week

And on Sunday you’re already prepping for the next one

It’s only when we get a 3-day weekend that you really feel like there’s some downtime…

If you just nodded in agreement and have high hopes for YouTube then you need to listen up

Because what I am about to share will make or break your success on the platform

And help you avoid being stuck on the YouTube hamster wheel for the next few months or years

You see, a YouTube channel can take a few different approaches when it comes to the content it produces

It can aim for evergreen views or trending views

The former tend to start off slower and drip in over time

Whereas the latter flow in quickly only to taper off just as fast

Well, if you want to avoid having to upload videos at a voracious pace

And want to take the sniper role of making only top performing content that will pay you for years

Then need to avoid the latter approach

All too often, I see people wanting to enter into very timely niches like politics

Only to burn out a few months into their journey as they’re not able to keep up with the uploading demands

This is why for the average part-time YouTube warrior, a more long-term approach is required

Instead of uploading sports update videos, make evergreen compilations instead

Rather than making “top stocks of the week” videos, teach the fundamentals instead

This is the only way to stay sane on YouTube (especially if you’re not outsourcing the content)

However, this is only one criterion that you need to be aware of before selecting your channel’s niche

In tomorrow’s workshop “Your $10,000/mo YouTube Niche” (March 17th at 7pm EST), I’m sharing the criteria that all channels must meet if your goal is rapid growth and monetization

On top of this, I’m sharing exactly how to identify and validate your niche

And the best part? You’ll see first hand how the market’s more sophisticated niche discovery tool, TubeLab, can find you your perfect niche in minutes

If you want to avoid spending months creating content in the wrong niche and want to streamline your channel’s results then this is a must-attend workshop

Tickets are $100 and registration ends tonight at midnight.

You can sign up here.

Happy Sunday,
