I messed up...

Hear me out

You may not believe me when I say this but…

I’m not perfect (I know, shocking, right?)

Well, let me tell you a little story…

A couple years ago my wife (girlfriend at the time) wanted to see Shania Twain

As the supportive boyfriend, I said “sure, I will get us tickets but we don’t need pre-sale”

So I waited and waited and finally got around to trying to buy tickets

Notice how I said “trying” to buy tickets

I waited and waited and never got any tickets

And til this day my wife still gives me shit that I let that opportunity slide…

But here’s the good news…

Shania Twain is coming back to town

And this time I am getting tickets the day the box office opens


Well first, I value my marriage

But second, it’s an opportunity to right my wrong

You see, what I often notice is that many people are just like me

They know they want to do something but then they put it off

And put it off some more…

I can’t tell you how many times a new student inside Tube Academy will say

“I’ve been thinking about starting YouTube and working with you but I’ve just been putting it off”

I’m thrilled that they decided now was the time to join

But wonder how much further along they could be if they would have just taken action when they have the initial desire to

Would they already be monetized? Making $3,000/mo?

We will never know…

Fortunately, I get a second chance to right my wrong

But if you set out to make it happen on YouTube in 2025

And you’ve yet to even open up your Google Account

Let this be a reminder that time’s ticking…

Until tomorrow,
