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What A Hut In The Woods Taught Me About YouTube Success

Here's what a pile of wood can teach you about growing on YouTube...

A wooden hut in the woods

That’s about the last f*cking place you’d ever find me

As you can imagine, as a Canadian, I’ve weathered my fair share of snow

And I absolutely hate it

I hate it now and I always have…

In fact, half the reason I started YouTube years ago was to be able to afford to get away every year

Whether that’s going to Aruba or Florida as you can see below…

Can you guess which is which? (I’d sure hope so)

However, by some stroke of coincidence

I’ve learned one of my key YouTube lessons from a wooden hut buried deep in the snow (how ironic!)

What the hell am I talking about?

Let’s get into it

One of the keys to running a healthy channel is finding a winning “recipe”

A recipe is a format that you can use time and again to generate consistent views on your channel

Using a recipe builds audience connection, content cohesiveness and builds up that healthy view baseline that keeps sizable YouTube checks rolling in monthly

And one channel that has masterfully used a proven recipe to their benefit is Victor Dustin

Similar to many new channels, at first, it was trying to figure out what “recipe” worked

They tried the notion of “camping alone” and it did decently for a new channel but not as well as they would have liked

So, what did they do?

They went back to the drawing board to come up with a new recipe

It’s kind of like when you’re trying to make the perfect chocolate chip banana muffins but something is off

So you tweak it until it’s perfect

The same notion goes for YouTube

So this channel tested some more and found their master recipe…

What is their recipe? It has two parts:

Part 1: Location description

Part 2: Form of adversity

This recipe has time and again allowed this channel to generate 100,000s of views

And build a cult-like following

Zooming out, the meta lesson that can be drawn from this example is that there’s no need to re-invent the wheel

While I shared the example of recycling a proven you can also recycle winning thumbnails as well (both your own or those on other channels)

The less guess work involved, the faster the results will come

If faster results is your top priority, you can apply to work with me 1-on-1 by replying the word “hut” to this email. I’ll send you a link to sign up for the waitlist. Two (2) spots opening up Monday based on waitlist priority

Chat soon,
