• Adam Del Duca
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  • Here's why you're struggling to get views on YouTube

Here's why you're struggling to get views on YouTube

Here's what most people overlook...

Do you know what one of my biggest pet peeves is?

Getting stuck in traffic.

While I'm generally a pretty patient person, being stuck in traffic definitely brings out the worst in me.

I start tapping my foot incessantly.

I roll down the window and look around at the cars in front of me.

And I've been known to mutter words of frustration under my breath from time to time.

Coincidentally, the same reactions often take place for many YouTube channel owners.

Instead of their car going nowhere, their channels are going nowhere instead.

They're following all the standard advice of being consistent and employing patience.

Yet every single video that they release is generating 100 views or less and is causing more frustration with every passing day.

Why are people stalling out like a car stuck in downtown traffic?

Very often, the issue is that they're operating in a saturated niche without a proven strategy.

You see, you can think of niches as highways of traffic.

Saturated niches are those where traffic is bumper to bumper, and only those cars with the most dexterity and speed are able to get ahead.

Unsaturated niches are those highways with absolutely no traffic, where it doesn't matter which car you're driving—you're able to get to your destination in no time flat.

Given that most people don't know how to find these unsaturated opportunities, they end up operating in the saturated markets, and unfortunately, they don't have the tools to be able to outcompete those operating in their niche.

This means that whenever YouTube has the opportunity to recommend their videos or others in their niche that have much higher video quality, their videos get left to the wayside, getting a minimal amount of views.

This is why it's critically important to understand how you're going to differentiate yourself if you're entering one of these saturated markets.

For instance, one way to stand out is to use a unique format or to add novel expertise or personality into the market.

By understanding how you can differentiate yourself, you'll automatically give your videos a much greater chance of gaining traction on the platform.

However, selecting the wrong niche in the first place will make all these differentiation strategies moot if they're not aligned with the income goals that you want to achieve on your channel.

As the saying goes, you can't put lipstick on a pig, so getting this aspect right is critically important before you start to drive your car down the YouTube highway.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. Tomorrow is the last day to buy a guest pass to the $10,000 per month Niche Workshop, where I'm teaching my Tube Academy students the most effective niche discovery and selection strategies for YouTube. If you don't want to miss out, you can sign up here.