The HARSH Truth About YouTube Automation

There are a ton of harsh truths we have to accept in life

  • You can’t make everyone happy

  • Santa doesn’t actually come down our chimney

  • The girl we have a crush on may not like us back (been there - ouch)

Then, there are harsh truths that people want us to accept

One in particular relates to making money online

What I’ve come to learn in my 31 years on Earth is this…

Most people fail to understand of the power of making money online

It’s why my friends and family used to criticize me for spending all weekend making YouTube videos

They would say, “Adam, instead of playing on the computer, go get another diploma”

This was after having already obtained 3 degrees and 2 professional designations by the way…

They would also say, “put in your time at your job and it will pay off”

As if a $200,000 salary was only a few months away

Needless to say, this advice did not resonate with me

And I’m glad it didn’t…

Instead of waiting 50 years to scale up to $20,000 months

I decided to start enjoying them in my 20s instead…

The harsh truth about YouTube Automation and making money online is this…

99% of people either think it’s a scam or that achieving success is impossible

I can totally understand why people would be skeptical

It’s hard to accept that there’s a better way of making money

Especially when you’ve been used to earning in one particular way for years

Unfortunately, this doubt that’s cast upon making money online deters a lot of people from trying

What’s so insidious about the demonization of making money online is this…

Nowadays, most people need a 2nd (or 3rd) stream of income

Don’t believe me?

As per Bankrate, 39% of Americans have a side hustle…

That’s tens of millions of people hustling outside their 9-5 jobs…

Sadly, these statistics don’t shock me at all

  • Cost of living has risen tremendously

  • Wages have barely budged

  • Interest rates have been in a frenzy

I’m fortunate enought to have started my own YouTube business years ago

And as you saw it’s paid off handsomely

But in my opinion, there’s never been a better time to start

Here are three reasons why…

1. Access to free, powerful tools

Back when I started on YouTube, the tools I had were embarrassing…

I would manually edit out each disfluency in my voiceovers in Audacity

And make my thumbnails in PowerPoint…

Why did I have to rely on these tools?

First, I was balling on a budget and couldn’t afford more expensive alternatives

Second, better alternatives often didn’t exist

Now, there are more YouTube tools than a toolkit can carry

For example, I used to spend 30 minutes changing an image’s background

Now on Canva you can do it with one click of a button

Plus, many of these tools are free (like the one above)

But this is only the beginning of why YouTube has become all the more enticing

2. Access to freelancers

You have no interest in making videos yourself or you don’t have the time?

Not to worry! This is where outsourcing comes into play

Back when I started, it used to cost an arm and a leg to hire team members

Not to mention, if I needed a specific skill for a project

People with that skill were impossible to find

That’s no longer the case…

Since the pandemic, the supply of online talent has risen significantly

You can access just about any skill you need at very reasonable prices due to market supply

But here’s the best part…

3. Growing YouTube Audience

The number one comment from YouTube Automation naysayers is “it’s too saturated”

Yes, there are more channels starting every single day

But there are also way more users joining the platform

Between 2022 and 2023, YouTube added over 100 million new users

That means more eyeballs on the platform translating into more:

  • Views

  • Subscribers

  • Income

Saturation is only an issue when there isn’t enough demand to meet the supply

As the chart shows, that isn’t a problem

The only problem is not starting

If you haven’t this is your reminder

If you have, keep going…

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, apply here: