The HARSH Truth About YouTube

Right now, we are one week away from 2024

Amongst your goals for the New Rear which may include:

  • Getting in better shape

  • Being a better parent

  • Volunteering more

There is likely a goal of “growing and monetizing a YouTube channel”

While I’m not a fitness trainer, nor am I a parent with wisdom to share

I can help you build your own cashflowing YouTube channel

And my first lesson to help you achieve that goal comes in the form of a harsh truth

What is that harsh truth?

The harsh truth is that no one cares about you on YouTube (sorry!)

Harsh, right?

Sure, but what’s harsher is thinking that as a new channel people care about and what you have to say…

I’d rather break this news to you now

Than let you spend countless hours making videos about yourself that no one is ever going to watch like this one:

So, if you’re not supposed to talk about yourself on YouTube

Who should you be creating content about?

Answering this question brings us one step closer to breaking out on YouTube in 2024

As mentioned, when you’re first starting your channel no one cares about you personally

But they can care about your content and those you center your videos around

Realizing this is the key to drawing in attention towards your channel

And gaining your initial set of viewers and subsequently subscribers and fans

Take the channel Money Builders for example:

In their very first video, they made the mistake of thinking people cared about their money saving tips…wrong!

This mistake caused them to invest both money and time into a video that had a low chance of attracting any market appeal

The truth is that it’s only creators with established audiences are likely to pull off videos that center around their own thoughts and experiences

Fortunately, after Money Builder’s blunder of a first video they started to realize the harsh truth I’m sharing with you today…

Instead of focusing their content around their own strategies and experiences (which no one really cared about)

They focused on high-interest people and topics instead

Notice the difference in results?

The channel went from generating 300 views on their videos

To releasing multiple with 100,000s of views…

The same strategy was used by my Tube Launch student Juan

43,000+ views on one of his first videos using this exact strategy I’m sharing with you today

Look, I want you to win on YouTube in 2024

But before you do, you have to accept that no one cares about you and your ideas (for now)

To gain initial momentum on your channel, associate your content with highly interesting figures

Talk about the most recent trending topics

Let new viewers get to know you by association

Then build your tribe of raving fans from there

Happy Holidays,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch