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The HARSH Lesson 90% of Youtubers Learn Too Late

Imagine for a second that you’re 95 years old

Your life is in it's final chapter

One day you try singing for the first time

Upon opening your mouth an angelic sound comes out

A voice with the potential to fill stadiums

One that even Taylor Swift would be jealous of…

Realizing this superpower in your last days would be quite the regret

Don’t you think?

While not as dire as the example shared, many YouTubers also have regret

No, it’s not the common regrets such as:

  • Posting inconsistently

  • Failing to review their analyics; or

  • Not investing in their YouTube education

This regret is about money…

This may surprise you but most YouTubers struggle to make money

Not, I’m not referring to John with his 32 subscribers

I mean channels with 1,000s of subscribers and 100,000s of monthly views

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “but Adam, how can this be?”

What many creators come to realize as they progress down their YouTube journey

Is that they overlooked a major consideration when starting

What is that consideration?

They overlooked their creator type

On YouTube, there are two creator types:

First, there are entertainers

Then there are educators

While educational channels can be entertaining and vice versa

Most channels tend to lean in one direction or another

An example of a faceless entertainment channel is Elite Top Tens

This channel highlights the most expensive material items on earth

And monetizes strictly through ads (no affiliates, no brand deals etc.)

Now, can this channel make money?

Of course!

Currently this channel is generating 400,000 monthly views

Making a few $1,000 per month

Moving onto the educator type…

An example of a faceless educator channel is Productivity Game

This channel creates engaging book summaries

Currently, this channel is generating 280,000 monthly views

It monetizes through ad revenue, affiliate offers and their own paid membership program

Let’s assume that only 3% of the channel’s monthly viewers click on their paid membership offer

Of those people just 1% purchase it at $67

That amounts to a monthly income of $5,628

That’s before earning another $2,000 in ad revenue

As seen, both types of channels (creators) can make money

But here’s where most creators go wrong…

They overlook their monetization strategy before starting a channel

Then they fall into what I call “creator purgatory”

Creator purgatory is where you have chosen a niche but fail to generate enough views to solely rely on ad revenue while having no other monetization options

An example of this would be a channel in the luxury niche that struggles to generate more than 50,000 monthly views ($250/mo in ad revenue)

In this situation, you can’t magically start selling to generate more money

And changing topics would cause you to lose most of your engaged subscribers

It’s for this reason that unless you are confident you can generate upwards of 1 million or more monthly views

Then you should be taking the educator path

Why? Because you can make a significant income with a fraction of the views

And leverage all of the monetization options I share in Tube Freedom

In short, less views but more money

Pretty good, right?

The last thing I want to have happen to you is to look back 6 months from now and regret the channel you’ve started

As such, if you’re launching your channel this year

Do not overlook the creator type consideration…

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch

Picking the wrong creator type


Pick a path before you start…