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How To GUARANTEE Your YouTube Channel Grows (Even If You're Lazy)

If you want a tactic that works time and again just do this...

Bill Gates once said: “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

While I doubt Bill Gates was referring to growing and monetizing a YouTube channel when he said this

It certainly applies to anyone wanting to achieve this goal

Because let’s face it, growing on YouTube isn’t easy

If it was, you wouldn’t be reading these emails (which I truly do appreciate!)

So then the question is, how are lazy people making light work of this hard job?

Simple - they are recycling…

Inside Tube Academy, I share an ideation method called “Recycling”

One of the ways to recycle is to simple take your past high performing videos and leverage their winning aspects time and again

Wondering if this works?

It does and tons of high performing channels are doing it like Zenkai Goose

As you can see, a few months ago, the channel made a very popular video called “I Played Every Spider-Man Game EVER”

And it racked up 1.5 million views!

So what did the channel do?

They used the same idea and just gave it new context (Rockstar Games)

And boom - another viral hit (500K views in just one week)

Now, you may not have viral videos that you can emulate just yet

But you likely do have some videos that have performed better than others

For example, if you have 10 videos published and one has 1,000 views with the rest having just 100

Then it’s that 1,000 view video would want to analyze for winning components

Was is the title that stood out?

Was it the amazing thumbnail?

To be clear, if you employ the recycle method, you aren’t lazy

You’re actually just working smart - which is key to your YouTube success

So give this method a try and let me know how it goes

Until tomorrow,
