• Adam Del Duca
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  • How to get more views on YouTube in just 30 days

How to get more views on YouTube in just 30 days

Start doing this...

Would you trade lives with Warren Buffett?

Chances are, despite how rich Warren Buffett is, you would never opt for making that trade because of one particular reason: the foreseeable time you have left on this planet is much greater than his.

And because time is more valuable than money, you pass on making that swap.

When you consider that the rest of your life on this planet is worth more than billions and billions of dollars, you'll start to realize two things.

First, you'll realize how incredible it is that anyone would invest their precious time into watching your videos.

So, if right now you're only generating 20 views per video, that still means 20 people have decided to invest a small amount of their lives into watching the content you produce.

The other realization is that time is incredibly valuable, and when you understand that, you can start to get more views on your YouTube channel.

As I've said numerous times in these daily emails, people these days want results yesterday.

Chances are you would pay infinitely more money for me to help you lose 20 lbs if I could help you do it in two days versus 20 years.

That's because the time to achievement is significantly less, and the time we're saving is incredibly valuable to us.

Now, let's direct that same notion towards YouTube.

Given that people's time is very precious, they want to squeeze out as much value from their YouTube viewing experience as possible.

This is especially true when they're coming to YouTube to learn.

If you've ever watched a YouTube tutorial video before, you know that it's incredibly enticing to watch a 30-second video that will give you a solution to your problem versus one that's 30 or 40 minutes long.

Understanding the importance of time constraints allows you to align people's need for instant gratification with your goal of generating more views on your channel.

Here's a prime example:

As you can see, this video is a massive outlier on this particular channel, and part of the reason why it's done so well is due to its constraint of time.

This video proposes that you're going to learn exactly how this individual learned French in just 30 days, which you can, of course, follow if you want to do the same.

Therefore, when you're thinking about new topics for your channel, consider how deeply people value their time.

For instance, if you teach people how to save money, you might make a video on how someone can set up an effective budget in under 10 minutes.

Or, if you run a football channel, you may compile all of the greatest Super Bowl moments into a condensed 20-minute video.

Understanding people's inherent consideration of time will always be an effective tool to add extra value to the videos you're producing.

When you start to employ this strategy, I guarantee you will start to add more value to the viewers who come across your channel, and your videos will start to gain more viewership than they have in the past.

Until tomorrow,
