• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • How to get rich on YouTube (don't start a channel)

How to get rich on YouTube (don't start a channel)

Here's why...

If you really want to get rich on YouTube, don't start a channel—at least not until you've educated yourself on the key mechanisms required to grow and monetize successfully.

Do you see what I just did there?

I gave you advice counter to what you would have expected me to say and likely piqued your interest for at least a millisecond of time.

Using this counterculture advice when packaging your YouTube videos is one of the most effective things you can employ to get more traffic toward your channel.

A prime example of this is the following video:

As you can see, this video has been watched by nearly 2 million people, and part of the reason why is because of the counterculture packaging that it employs.

Most people in their 20s find out as soon as they start working that their 9-5 job likely isn't going to make them a millionaire anytime soon.

This is why so many younger people these days are starting businesses—because it really is the only way they're going to be able to make an exponential income in the near term.

So, when people see Jacob's results of making $30,000 a month and being advised by him that you shouldn't start a business, it makes you wonder how he got up to this amount of income without taking the traditionally suggested vehicle.

This level of intrigue, paired with the insightful video that sits behind it, is why this video was able to become a 100x outlier on this channel and generate almost 2 million views as a result.

Therefore, when you're planning your next video, consider how you can use counterculture packaging to draw more attention to your video.

For instance, if you run a finance channel, you could make a video about getting rich and give the advice that people should spend more money.

This clearly goes against the notion that if you want to get rich, you need to save as much as possible.

You could take the angle that the more you spend on investing in your education, the more you make, and the faster you'll be able to save money once your income is exponentially greater than it is today.

I'm sure you can find other examples within the niche that you're currently building your channel in, but the notion is the same and can be widely applied to just about any kind of channel you want to build.

Give this strategy a try and let me know how it goes.

Until tomorrow,
