How To Get Ahead of 99% Of People On YouTube

If you want to smoke the competition do this...

By nature, people are competitive

If you’ve ever seen someone spend $100s trying to get a high score on an arcade game then you’ll know that I’m right…

But what people enjoy more than the thought of competition

Is the idea of winning said competition

And lately, top YouTubers have been using this mental construct to their advantage

Chances are you’ve been recommended one of the following videos:

Every iteration of this title is producing great results


Because it taps into our desire to be better than others

Remember back in elementary school

How embarassing it was to be picked last in gym class or in the school yard (I do)

If you’ve ever been in that position you never want to be there again

And if you haven’t you never want to…

Now, is it just the title that’s doing all the heavy lifting here?

Not quite…

The first two examples pair this fantastic title format with quick wins

“starting today” or “in 6-12 months”

Remember: Getting a desired result faster is always more enticing

The third example illustrates a highly appealing means of getting ahead of others - financially

Therefore, like a peanut butter and jam sandwich, it takes both to make a masterpiece

But how do you use this title sequence if you’re not in the self-improvement or financial space?

There are a surprising amount of variations you could employ such as:

  • How to get ahead of 99% of programmers (in 60 seconds)

  • How to get more credit card points than 99% of people

  • How to study faster than 99% of the world’s smartest people

And it all comes back to the one core concept I continue to preach in my emails

1. Identify high performing components

2. Contextualize into your niche

3. Rinse and repeat

I hope this helps!

Until tomorrow,
