• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • How To Get 600,000 Views On YouTube In Just 10 Days

How To Get 600,000 Views On YouTube In Just 10 Days

If you want your channel to take off do this...

What if I told you that by next week you’d have a video with over 500,000 views

That has earned you $1,000s in the process

That would be pretty sweet, right?

While it’s not easy, releasing high velocity videos is entirely possible

Especially when you implement what I’m about to teach you today

Take the following channel, Self Sufficient Me

This channel focuses on sharing tips and tricks for organic gardening and has quite the audience (apparently a lot of people want to learn more about gardening)

Recently, they released an outlier video called “Top 12 Most CONTAMINATED Fruits & Vegetables You Should AVOID”

Besides being a well-put together video, the appeal of this video really comes down to its packaging

If you ask me, it’s the perfect mix of fear and relevancy

When I talk about fear, it’s the use of strong power words like contaminated which insinuates that there may be something wrong with your food

Then, there’s relevancy

We all (or most of us anyways) eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis

And of those who do, we all want to avoid those that are contaminated due to the implied adverse health effects (illness, disease etc.)

Now, while the use of fear to gain views may not fall within everyone’s moral compass

This example demonstrates that the more emotion-invoking your packaging is, the more intrigue and views it will generate

And the best part? It works in just about every niche…



So if you’re channel is struggling for views

It may be time to amp up the intrigue

Lending from the lessons you learned here today

Happy Sunday,
