How to get 2x more YouTube views overnight

Seriously...this works

You open up Instagram, and what do you see?

It’s people going on extravagant vacations and people driving cars that cost as much as your house.

When most people see these things on social media, there's one sentiment that takes over them more than any other: the fear of missing out.

While it can feel terrible being an outsider looking in on a good time or being part of a group.

Understanding how this human psychological phenomenon works is a powerful tool in your YouTube arsenal.

How’s that the case?

Because you can use people’s desire to feel a sense of inclusivity in how you ideate and package your YouTube videos.

Take, for example, the channel John’s Money Adventure.

As you can see in this example video, he has positioned his content around a fleeting opportunity, which is investing in particular AI ETFs.

For someone who’s interested in investing in ETFs, coming across this video would make them want to find out more about what fleeting opportunity they could be passing up on if they skip over this recommended video.

As you can see, this video has attracted over 90,000 people to click and watch through to find out which ETFs they should be throwing their money into in 2024.

Therefore, if you’re struggling to attract prospective viewers on your channel, one of the mechanisms you can use to get more viewership is to leverage the power of urgency. 

For example, if you run a channel that talks about making money online, you can create a video about an income strategy that people need to learn about before it becomes too saturated.

Alternatively, if you’re showing people how to grow on Instagram, you can position your video to allude to the fact that your strategy is brand new and that those who take advantage of it now will see the most results.

In the same way that we are nudged to purchase that plane ticket when we see that there are only two left, you want to use that same level of urgency and the fear of missing out on key and pertinent knowledge to get people to start clicking on your videos.

When you do, you'll be able to unveil the true value in your videos that your packaging has prevented you from sharing with your intended audience.

So give this a try and let me know how it goes.

Until tomorrow,
