• Adam Del Duca
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  • What My Friend's Cat Can Teach You About Making Money on Youtube

What My Friend's Cat Can Teach You About Making Money on Youtube

The lessons from a cat may just make you a lot of money...

The other day I was over at my friends house

As we were sitting down chatting I all of a sudden saw out of the corner of my eye something dart up beside my shoulder

Right before soiling myself, I realized that it was my buddy’s cat coming to join the hangout

As my friend and I continued to catch up I noticed something interesting

The cat was in front of us playing with a cardboard box

I asked my friend, “what the box from?” and he in an upset tone

“From the cat tower I just bought my cat…”

I had to laugh that his cat was more interested in playing with the box than the actual structure itself

As I drove home that night, two thoughts crossed my mind:

1. Cats are surprisingly startling

2. The cat’s box may just happen to be a good YouTube reminder

Given you’re probably more interested in what I mean by thought number 2, let’s dive a bit deeper into what I mean

In the case of my friends cat, what we witnessed was that it was more interested in the packaging than the product

Where else does that often apply? On YouTube!

Very often, it’s the video’s packaging (title and thumbnail) that really entices onlookers

Leading to views, subscribers, sales, ad revenue etc.

Sadly, no matter how amazing the product is (like the unreal cat tower my friend bought his cat), often it’s only the packaging that is really matters

This is why I see all the time, people making amazing YouTube videos

Then squander any chances they have at generating viral videos because they’ve mistitled or used an ineffective thumbnail in conjunction

It’s this constant mispackaging of their videos that leads to minimal views, frustration and ultimately the quitting of their channel all together…

Based on this lesson I was reminded of from my friend’s cat, I’ll be hosting the Viral Title Mastery Workshop

The goal of the workshop is to help you craft more effective titles so you can generating more views, gain more subscribers and make more money from your channel.

Here's how the workshop will go down:

First, I’ll share with you the two key criteria every video title needs to go viral

Right now, you’re probably spending a lot of time making your video’s titles

But you’re missing the combination of these two ingredients to generate the video views you desire

Second, you’ll learn how to increase your chances of going viral by testing your titles before uploading

Test drive the car before you buy it…

No use investing money into videos without having confidence they will produce the results you desire

Third, learn 11 title strategies crafted after generating over 100 million views on YouTube

These strategies are tried, tested and true and ready to be used by you!

If you’re tired of investing your precious time and money into the production of your videos without gaining the views you want then the Viral Title Mastery Workshop is for you

Tickets to attend the workshop are just $100.

Join me and the Tube Academy students as I lead the workshop on Saturday, June 22nd @ 2PM EST

Note: You cannot purchase the workshop recording after the deadline on Friday, June 21st at midnight EST.

Lock in your Viral Title Mastery Workshop ticket below and you'll receive your meeting link immediately:

Talk tomorrow,
