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Exposing a $5,000/mo YouTube Channel Cheat Code

If making money on YouTube is your goal make sure to read this...

The 21st of the month arrives and there it is

Your Google payments email handing you over another $5,000 YouTube check

Ah…life is good!

As someone who’s collected more of these payments than I can count I can tell you one thing

The feeling of making money online NEVER gets old

The sad part is that many people’s YouTube journeys never end up allowing them to enjoy this same feeling

Instead, their journey goes something like this:

1. Start channel

2. Post random content for weeks or months

3. Make little progress

4. Give up and try new business model

That’s most people but that fortunately doesn’t have to be you…

So, how do we sidestep all that wasted time and frustration?

Simple, we capitalize on gaps in the market…

For example, there are tons of basketball compilation channels on YouTube

Sharing the top dunks, moments, freakouts etc.

So in terms of market supply, this type of content is rather saturated

Does that mean making a basketball channel is off the table?

Not at all, you just need to find a new way to approach it

And this is exactly what the channel Synthetic Sports did…

They not only approached the niche using a unique format (documentary-style) but they also employed a unique presentation style (retro-synth edits)

This was a totally new supply in the market

And has allowed the channel to make $5,000+ per month

So what can you take away from this example?

If you’re just starting your own channel, look for format gaps in the market

If you’ve already started producing content, look for format gaps in the market (especially if you’re not getting the traction you want)

It’s these blue ocean opportunities that are going to grow your channel the fastest

And allow you to scale to the $5,000/mo you desire…

Speaking of scaling to $5k+ a month on YouTube, that’s the entire goal of Tube Academy

To take you from where you are now in your YouTube journey to $5,000/mo, $10,000/mo and beyond!

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Reminder: Entry into Tube Academy is first come, first serve as spots are limited

Happy Sunday!
