• Adam Del Duca
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  • The Excuse That Stops 90% of People From Making Money On YouTube

The Excuse That Stops 90% of People From Making Money On YouTube

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As you can imagine, my Twitter (X) inbox is filled with people asking me how to make money online

In my eyes, making money online is one of the greatest gifts on earth

And because I’m so passionate about it I try and respond to as many people as I can

However, when I share advice and then follow up, I often get told that they have yet to get started


They respond, “Because I don’t have any money…”

What I think people fail to realize is just how inexpensive it is to build, grow and monetize a YouTube channel in 2024

For example, the channel Little Bit Better is making $20,000 a month publishing book summary videos

Curious the cost of running this channel?

All it requires is:

- Voiceover software ($20/mo with ElevenLabs)

- Script (buy or borrow the book)

- Animations ($20/mo with Videoscribe)

- Thumbnails made in Canva (free)

The best part?

Book summary videos are evergreen

People will want to watch a summary of Atomic Habits now

And they will 5 years from now

That means those who make great videos on these book titles will enjoy paychecks for years to come

Now here is the catch…

Yes, it can be relatively inexpensive to create videos like the ones produced by Little Bit Better

However, there is some expertise that’s required

If you watch any low-video production channel that generates 100,000 of views per video

You can attribute nearly 100% of its success to the employment of compelling scripts

The script makes up for the lack of fancy, costly editing

It’s like the A-student who carries all the D-students on a group project at school

While scriptwriting is a skill to be learned, it will make or break your channel’s success

So what’s the takeaway here?

A lack of money is no excuse for not starting a YouTube channel

No one is asking you to spend $100s a month on video creation

For the same amount of money you spend on your TV streaming services

You can equip yourself to build a similar channel to the one you see before you

That can help you earn the income you want to live the life you desire

Until tomorrow,


Ps. Tomorrow is the last day to buy a guest pass to the Viral Script Blueprint Workshop where I’m teaching my students the most effective scriptwriting methods on YouTube. If you don’t want to miss out you can sign up here.