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I Could EASILY Charge $997 For This YouTube Tip

This is one of the most powerful YouTube tricks out there...

The best way to describe YouTube is being a “multi-variable game”

What does this mean?

It means that there are many different factors that impact a channel’s success

From the market demand for the content you’re making

To the time you upload your videos

To the way that you structure the ideas throughout your content

All of these elements and many more will make or break your channel’s success

This is why, most YouTube advice needs to be taken with a grain of salt

Fortunately, there are some strategies that can reliably be used to increase the overall performance of your videos

No matter how the other factors mentioned above tie into things…

Are you ready to learn one of those strategies today?

Of course you are…

One of my personal favorite strategies for generating more clicks is by countering common wisdom

A great example of this relates to health content

Many health and fitness gurus will tell you that carbs are the devil

Making many individuals link carbs to getting fat

So common wisdom is eat less carbs, lose more weight

But that only really helps if that reduction in carbs is resulting in a calorie deficit

If you replace it with 3,000 calories of fat and protein instead you’re likely going to gain weight even if you ditch the carbs

So how do we counter common wisdom in this context?

People think carbs cause weight gain

So let’s use that to our advantage…

One way to do this is to tie eating carbs to weight loss

An example video idea could be “How carbs rapidly increase weight loss”

This would make people think, “wait, I thought carbs make you fat?!? I need to click on this video and learn more!”

Here are two videos using this exact technique to great success:

In the first video (100x outlier) the creator is suggesting being bored to get ahead

Common advice is that being bored is a bad thing

This video argues otherwise…

In the second video, the creator advises to study while tired

Pushing aside common wisdom that you’re best to study when fully energized

Taking a counter wisdom approach prompts massive intrigue

And that’s why in Tube Freedom I share how to employ intrigue to maximize the grow and monetization of your channel

Without it, you’re just publishing videos into the void…

I now have 1 spot left for channel reviews this week (not free), if you want to claim it email me back “final review” for details

Chat tomorrow,
