The EASIEST Way To Grow On YouTube In 2024

2024 is the year…

It’s the year that you bring your YouTube dreams to life

And turn your channel into a cashflowing machine

However, there’s one little problem…

You don’t know the easiest way to make that happen - yet…

Now, just to be clear, growing on YouTube isn’t easy

You’re literally competing with over 50 million other channels

All vying for the same attention

Kind of a mind boggling thought, right?

But here’s the thing…

99% of those other channels literally have no idea what they are doing

They publish a few videos, realize how hard it is to grow and quit

But not you…

You know that I’ll be extremely mad at you if you do the same

Which is why instead of letting you follow in those same footsteps

I’m going to show you how to take the easy path to YouTube growth

And help you cash your first YouTube paycheck in 2024 (or start cashing bigger ones)

To start, we need understand the chain of events involved in making money on YouTube

First, you have to build up traffic (or views) to your channel

Next, you have to capture that attention as subscribers

Finally, you convert those subscribers into dollars (through ad revenue, product sales, affiliates etc.)

However, without views, those latter events will not take place

Therefore, your only goal for 2024 is to focus all of your attention on generating more traffic (views) to your channel

Now, I know what you’re thinking “but Adam, I’ve been trying that and nothing has been working”…

Or maybe you’re sitting there thinking, “That won’t work for me because my channel is brand new”

Whatever doubts are going through your head right now are about to vanish

Whether you have 1,000s of subscribers or not a single one the strategy I’m about to share will work for your channel

This means that in 2024 you have zero excuses not to grow and monetize on YouTube

Got it? Cool!

So what’s this “easiest strategy” you are referring to Adam?

It’s what I call the emulation method and it works incredibly well

The emulation works like this:

1. Identify outlier videos

2. Emulate 3Ts (topic, title and thumbnail)

3. Apply unique perspective

Now that you understand the components at a high level let’s break down why each are important

First, there’s identifying outliers

Outliers are most often a high of videos with higher demand than there is supply

Basic economics would indicate that these videos have more value in the market

Which in terms of YouTube means they have more view potential (when approached correctly)

As such, if we are to emulate any type of video, these would be it

Fortunately, VIDIQ now identifies a video’s outlier score when their VIDIQ Chrome Extension is installed so this process have never been easier

Once an outlier is found, it’s time to emulate

Emulating an outlier’s topic, title and thumbnail works for the following reason…

The topic and packaging have already been validated by the market

This means you aren’t guessing if a video will be well received

It’s already been demonstrated to be the case

For example, you may decide to emulate this outlier video

14 million views and counting…not bad

Finally, you want to re-produce the video with your own unique spin


Because a channel’s long term viability comes from its ability to develop connection with it’s audience

And if you aren’t cultivating this element with your stories, experiences and unique ideas then you have no chance at using YouTube as a long term cashflowing asset…

Now, you may be thinking, “how well does this method really work?”

So I’ll share two examples with you now…

Here’s an example of emulation being used by a new channel to massive success:

Primavera Mastery emulating Practical Wisdom’s video titled, “7 Money Rules The Rich Don’t Want You To Know”

95,000+ views on a new channel…

Established channels can also emulate their own content. Here’s an example from the channel Simple Food

Therefore in 2024 there should be no guesswork in your YouTube gameplan

Each video should be made with intention to minimize mistakes and maximize progress

2024 is your year to win on YouTube

Until next week (and year!)


Ps. Today is the final day to work with me 1-on-1 at my 2023 prices. If you want to learn more see the program details here: Tube Launch

When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch