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How To DOUBLE Your YouTube Views By Watching The News

It sounds crazy but it works...

Before we start, I have a confession to make…

I basically NEVER watch the news

If I do, it’s probably because I’m waiting for my flight at the airport

Or am I visiting a grandparent who has it playing in the background

But there was a time when I used to consume a lot of news

Mainly because my parents always had it on

And while I don’t see it as being a positive element to include in one’s day to day life

It can certainly teach us a powerful lesson that we can use to grow exponentially on YouTube

Curious what that lesson is?

Let’s dive in…

Here’s a snippet from a local news website

Look at the articles’ titles and tell me what you see?

You guessed it - negativity

It’s the perils of shopping today and the tips you’re constantly being asked for

It’s the saddening story about a crash

Or a random spatial event that can only spell bad news for us here on Earth

Why is negativity, or better yet fear commonly used in the news?

Because fear prompts intrigue

It sparks emotions

And most importantly fear sells…

It’s why the news will frame an article as “Market declines, could this wipe out all your life savings?”

Rather than, “Today the market dropped 2% which is average given this current state of the economy and will likely recover by week’s end”

Both could be telling the same story but the viewer response would be much greater in the second example shared

But Adam, what does this have to do with YouTube?

While you can draw your moral line in the sand on how to use fear in your video packaging

If there’s one thing I know is that it’s incredibly effective at garning attention on a channel

Here are just a few examples:

But what if you’re not in the finance niche

Can fear work for you?

Of course!

Fear in health: X Foods That Will Make You Ill

Fear in dating: X Mistakes That Will Keep You Single Forever

Again, while leveraging fear isn’t the most joyful way of positioning your content

As the examples show it absolutely works

Also, two (2) new spots open tomorrow to work with me 1-on-1. If you’re serious about building your own cashflowing channel, reply “March” for the details (not cheap)

Until tomorrow,
