• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • If you don't have enough time for YouTube read this

If you don't have enough time for YouTube read this

Here's the fix...

You want to start making money on YouTube, but you simply don't have the time to do it.

Should you give up your dream of making $1,000s of extra dollars a month online?

Hell no.

As I always say, where there's a will, there's a way, and with YouTube, there's always a way to get your videos made.

This could come in the form of getting up earlier or giving up certain activities in your life.

But given that you probably like your sleep and your day-to-day lifestyle, there is one other way that you can produce videos regularly without having to turn your life upside down.

And yes, you guessed it—this comes in the form of outsourcing.

Now, we respect the fact that you may right now be balling on a budget and looking for ways to fit a YouTube channel into your lifestyle without breaking the bank.

Don't worry; I've been there, so I know exactly how you feel.

The truth is that you don't need to outsource everything when it comes to the production of your videos.

In fact, one of the main determinants of what to outsource should be how much time you need to buy back to make your YouTube channel.

This is why I've created the Outsourcing Time Savings Continuum.

This continuum is a scale that outlines which components of the video creation process will provide you the greatest levels of time savings when outsourced.

As you can see above, it's editing that offers you the most amount of time savings, followed by script writing, then voice-overs, and thumbnails.

Therefore, if right now you're missing the few extra hours you need to start a YouTube channel, I would highly recommend that you explore outsourcing at least one of these four.

What you'll be happy to hear is that outsourcing the editing of your videos can often be the most cost-effective way of buying back your time due to the high degree of video editors that exist on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.

Now, is it going to suck to have to start spending money before your channel is making any?

Of course, but as they say, that's the cost of doing business.

And as long as you are pairing the production of these videos with proper video ideation and packaging, it will only be a matter of time until you're making that money back and managing the ownership of your very own cash-flowing channel.

Therefore, whenever you're faced with a time crunch with respect to your YouTube channel, don't say, "I can't," but instead flip it around and ask, "How can I?"

When you do this, the answers that you're looking for will come.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. I now have 2 spots left inside Tube Academy. If you want more details on how you can claim one of the two last spots, reply back “Tube” to this email.