What A Donkey In Aruba Taught Me About YouTube

This "ass" taught me a little lesson...

Two weekends ago, I was in the warm, tropical sun of Aruba

Trying to look a bit less ghostly than I do when stuck in the Canadian cold

Every day, I count my blessings that I’m financially capable of going on these getaways multiple times a year

And it was all due to my idea to start a YouTube channel many years ago…

However, as the saying goes, “live by the sword, die by the sword”

Yes, YouTube has allowed me to enjoy a ton of travel but it also has put YouTube permanently in the back of my mind

And at the Aruba petting zoo, my YouTube focused mind could not control itself…

Right as I was entering the petting zoo, I met a donkey named Houdini

See picture of ass and Donkey above…

While going through the park, I thought to myself, “damn, there are a ton of donkeys here”

There must have been hundreds of these little guys roaming around everywhere

Hopeful that a tourist like me would be kind enough to feed them a nutritious carrot

While leaving the park, I decided to Google how where donkeys originate from and soon learned that there are over 40 million donkeys in the world

That’s a lot, right?

What’s crazier is that even though there are a ton of donkeys in the world

There are less donkeys than YouTube channels (50 million +)

Now, the question is, “so what Adam?”

Why this insight is important is because it reminds us of the competition that exists on YouTube

Now, sure if you’ve got your hands on Tube Freedom or have received some other YouTube training then really only a small portion of those channels can even be considered “competition”

But it still leaves enough that you can’t take shortcuts in your video production process

That’s why when I get DMs asking me if they rely completely on AI tools to make their videos I respond with a harsh no…

When your competition is making a concerted effort to make the best videos possible

You have no chance competing with some low-quality video you produced as if it went through an easy bake oven

Therefore, if you’ve been susceptible in the past of thinking, “how can I make my videos in an easier or faster way?” I implore you to catch yourself

Don’t succumb to prioritizing speed over quality

Because viewers watching your videos don’t care how fast you can produce a video

All the care about is that value it provides them

Newsflash: most of the time these priorities are mutually exclusive

And trying to take the easy path will not allow you to build a channel that can pay for your trip to Aruba to come visit Houdini yourself…

You will also want to know that two (2) new spots open tomorrow to work with me 1-on-1. If you’re serious about building your own cashflowing channel, reply “March” for the details (not cheap)

Talk soon,
