Don't Be Greg

I am begging you...

You probably have resolutions for this year

For instance, you may want to lose weight or be a more present parent

You make want to get a raise at work or spend more time with friends

These are all honorable resolutions

But one that absolutely should be on your resolution list is to not be like Greg

Greg had messaged me a few times over the last year asking me some basic questions about YouTube

Clearly he was interested in building up a channel to allow him to make some money outside his 9-5 job

Then, he messaged me at year end

I expected to get an update on what channel he had set up and how it was going

When I asked him how things were going on YouTube he said “I still haven’t started”

I was thinking to myself “you still haven’t started???”

Now obviously I didn’t say this to him directly but I asked what the hold up was

And he said he just lacked a plan to get going and that life “got busy”

When it comes to most things in life, it’s better to act first, learn second

Sounds counterintuitive, right?

But if you keep “thinking” about doing something it becomes harder and harder to make a move

If you’re a guy who’s contemplated for minutes going to talk to a girl at the bar then you know exactly what I mean

If any part of my conversation with Greg resonates with you (i.e. you’ve been putting off YouTube)

Then here is some harsh truth…

If you are building a channel (especially without help or guidance) then it’s going to take a lot longer than you think to reach your goals

I mean a LOT longer…

Which means that if you wanted to start seeing results then the best time to start was yesterday

But you didn’t so instead, start today.

Let this be a sign from the universe that you need to set up that channel tonight.

Not tomorrow, not this weekend.


Just get the ball rolling and you’ll naturally keep taking action because you’ve already overcome that initial hurdle

Trust me - it works

Then keep me posted on your journey (and do NOT be like Greg in 2025!)

