Is CHEATING The Way To Succeed On YouTube?

A simple lesson for growing and monetizing on YouTube...

As a creator on YouTube, it’s easy to look at other fast-growing channels and think to yourself

“Are they cheating?”

How are channels with only a few videos amassing 10,000s of subscribers and making $1,000s every single month?

The truth is that many of them are cheating…

But not in the way you think

Here’s an example of “cheating” being effectively employed to grow and monetize a channel

Turns out that almost 6 million people wanted to know about chess cheaters

And by using this “cheating” strategy, the channel Classical amassed 90,000+ subscribers after releasing just 20 videos

But here’s the thing…

This isn’t just dumb, random luck

To the experienced eye, this was a well-employed strategy put into action…

The truth is that videos around “cheating” have historically performed very well


Because people love drama

And cheating is one of the highest forms of it…

But here’s the magic behind Classical’s strategy

They didn’t just start another baseball channel and copy popular ideas in the market

No they did not!

Instead, they used a method I call “Topic Transferrence” and adopted a proven topic into a new niche (chess)

In other words, they adopted a proven, working format and carried it over into a blue ocean space on YouTube (low-saturation chess niche)

This leads to immense channel views and staggeringly fast growth

Which is why I teach this method in more detail in Tube Academy

Therefore, cheating on YouTube isn’t about paying for growth services

Or befriending an engineer at YouTube

It’s about studying the platform

Seeing what works

And using it to your advantage

Rather than beating your head against the wall struggle to gain traction using futile strategies…

Talk soon,
