How Cat Videos Can Make You RICH On YouTube

Even if you don't love cats you need to read this...

When you think about it, cats are a lot like YouTube channels

When they are treating you well they are a joy

But when they aren’t…

You want to run the other way

What’s even more coincidental is how when the two are combined

They can make you $1,000s every month

And grant you the financial firepower you desire…

But, how do you employ the adoration of cats to your advantage?

If you’ve been reading my prior emails then you should already know about the channel Feline Fanatics

Generating over 1.5 million views per month

And $1,000s in revenue

Whilst producing videos in a very cost-effective manner

This is a model channel for anyone trying to gain their faceless freedom

But here’s the catch…

You can’t just upload a couple cat videos and strike it rich

(if only it were that easy…)

Put another way, you need to have a plan

And in a second I am going to share a little trick that Feline Fanatics (and many other successful channels) is using to generate millions of views

And live the dream by making money posting cat videos online…

Let’s examine two of their videos, shall we?

What do you notice about these two videos?

First, they are both outliers on the channel each with over 1.5 million views

That’s the obvious observation…

If you look a little closer you’ll see that they are nearly identical video ideas

Why would the channel do this?

Because if the topic worked once, it can work again…

5 months ago, the channel released the video “14 signs your cats sees you as their parent” and it exploded

So why not do it again?

The result…another 1M+ video

Now, what if you don’t have your own viral video to emulate to exploit method?

Simple, you replicate the videos of others like I teach you how to do in Tube Freedom

This way you avoid making videos with minimal view potential

And focus on those that have proven demand and ultimately hold a better chance of going viral

Two (2) new spots open today to work with me 1-on-1. If you’re serious about building your own cashflowing channel, reply “March” for the details (not cheap)

Until tomorrow,
