How CAP LOCKS Gets You More Views On YouTube

This one key will teach you a ton about YouTube...

There are certain items in our day to day lives that have transcended their utility

So much so that we refer to them by their brand names

For instance, no one calls a tissue a tissue

They call it a Kleenex instead

No one says they will browse the internet for something

They say they will Google it instead…

Another common branded name is the Cap Locks key

Which replaces “capitalizing” in most people’s vocabulary…

Before I lose you on this email, here’s why this is important

How you brand your ideas is just as important as the ideas themselves

And I want to share an example of what I mean

This is a very popular video made by Rian Doris

1.2 million views in just 4 months time

When you look at the thumbnail, there’s something interesting that appears

You see the text “The Engage Rule”

To most people, this is some unknown rule that prompts intrigue

And motivates people to click and learn more

If you were to watch the video you would soon find out that “The Engage Rule” is just the concept that you must take the first step when approaching a difficult task

Now, could Rian have just said that on the thumbnail? Sure…

But instead he created a unique branding for the idea

A great example of this unique branding is red velvet cake

This cake is branded as a unique flavored cake that needs to be a top of your dessert menu

When in reality it’s just a plain cake with some coloring added…

But the packaging in this case is everything

And that’s what intrigues those who come across it

Here’s another example

Let’s say you are making a video about saving money

Rather than saying “budget your money”

Coin a method with a unique name

For example, you could suggest people use the “division method”

Where they divide their monthly budget into 4 to keep track of costs on a more detailed basis

These unique branding angles work surprisingly well and can add that extra flavor to your videos to prompt more people to engage

So go grab some red velvet cake, start using this strategy and see how your channel takes off

Chat later,
