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The BIGGEST Mistake You Can Make With Your YouTube Channel

You could be getting racking up the views and subscriber but here's why you're not...

You release a YouTube video then go to bed

The next morning, you get and check your phone…

No, you’re not checking Instagram or TikTok

No, you’re not getting updates on the news

You’re rushing to open YouTube studio and look at the results of your latest video

And there it is!


2 goddamn views…

We've all had this experience

We spend our precious time and money making what we believe is an amazing video

Only to see it absolutely bomb right after going public

Releasing a video that gains this little traction is like getting turned down by your prom date - it’s embarrassing and hard to get over

It feels as if your videos are basically getting ignored

Guess what…they are!

And no, it’s not because YouTube hates you

It’s because your videos are easily ignorable

If you’re still in the phase of your YouTube journey where:

  • Your videos are getting neglible views

  • Your videos are capped at a certain number of views

  • You are growing frustrated by your lack of progress

Then you are going to be happy you’re reading this email

Next, I’m going to share with you two common reasons your videos are getting ignored

So you can sidestep these issues and never wake up to 2 views on a video ever again!

1. Banner Blindness

You’re a fugitive on the run and you need to hide from the police

What do you do?

You dress up like everyone else around in the hopes of blending in

Blending in is a great approach for those looking to hide

However, blending in with others on YouTube is a ticket to minimal attention

One way that channels fall into this trap is succumbing to banner blindness

Many people on YouTube take the notion of “gaining inspiration” too far

Instead of employing thumbnail best practices on YouTube

They copy the packaging they see working on others videos…

Yes, it’s good to leverage what’s working in your niche and on the platform

But when inspiration goes too far, it can cause more harm than good

Why? Because the novelty of title or thumbnail wears down over time

For example, this first time this thumbnail design was used it was a hit

But when it gets used over and over and over again…

It becomes easily ignored and its efficacy for subsequent users drops…

What’s the fix? Using unique packaging…

Take the example of the channel called Horses

This channel has recently skyrocketed in views and subscribers

And guess what? Their packaging is far from being common (see below)

I have a funny feeling you haven’t seen too many videos that touch on these topics or use these types of thumbnails

Hard to ignore, right?

Now I know it’s hard to come up with your own packaging style

And that it’s much easier to copy what’s working

So here’s an idea for meeting in the middle…

Try adopting a proven packaging style from another niche

Here’s an example:

The lesson?

You don’t have to completely re-invent the wheel

But you do have to approach packaging in a way that prevents prospective viewers from glazing over your videos when deciding what to watch…

2. The Hot-Friend Phenomenon

We all have that “hot friend”

You know, the “hot friend” who gets all the attention at the club or bar

Funny enough, I used to think I was the “hot friend”

But let’s just say the results didn’t exactly prove that to be true…

In reality, it was my best friend who used to get all the attention

He was the “hot friend” who was a magnet to everyone around him

As his wingman, I always got left with the scraps

Because who wants the “other friend” when you can have the “hot friend” instead

This same phenomenon can be seen all over YouTube

Many creators will try and compete against pre-established content on the platform

They think to themselves, “if it worked for them it will work for me”

However, unless you are adding in a unique angle or format

You are just an “other friend” fighting for attention against the “hot friend”

Here’s a practical example of the “hot friend” phenomenon on YouTube

You, the prospective viewer are shown two videos:

Which are you more likely to watch?

Video A: the pre-established “hot friend” with 100k+ views


Video B: the mediocre “other guy” with no views

99% of the time it’s going to be Video A

From my experience, rather than compete head to head with the “hot friend”

It’s better to find a different environment (topic, format or niche on YouTube) and compete there instead

This is like being the only guy in a club full of women (or vice versa)

You will stand out

You will garner attention

You will get results

Whether you’re at the club or on YouTube this will be true

The takeaway here?

Be different, stand out and the views and growth will follow…

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch