• Adam Del Duca
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  • The biggest mistake you can make when starting a channel on YouTube

The biggest mistake you can make when starting a channel on YouTube

Please don't do this...

What's the biggest mistake you've ever made in your life?

Think about it for a second right now.

Do you have it ready?

One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made took place this past September.

You see, lately in my city, we've been getting a ton of rainstorms, and unfortunately, one day, silly Adam decided to leave the basement window open.

I'm sure you can guess what happened next.

Rain started pouring into my basement, lifting up the hardwood flooring and costing me a handsome $3,500 to replace it—all because I forgot to close the window.

While mistakes are a natural part of being human, the more we can avoid them, the better.

This is especially true when starting out a channel on YouTube.

Start the wrong channel, and achieving all of your growth and income goals will be next to impossible.

Start the right channel, and you could see yourself collecting YouTube paychecks within the next 90 days.

Given that it's best to learn from others' mistakes instead of making them yourself, here's a free lesson that you can learn right now from my 5+ years of experience on YouTube.

You see, there are 10 different types of channels that you absolutely want to avoid building on YouTube.

Why avoid these types of channels?

Because they either have very low growth or income potential, or are very susceptible to infringing upon YouTube policies and guidelines.

Put another way, they're YouTube channels that you're likely to invest a ton of precious time and money into while getting very little in return.

One of these types of channels is a multi-market channel.

You see, when you build a YouTube channel, the market you want to serve should be at the forefront of your mind.

For example, do you want to serve high school students trying to figure out which degree to take?

Do you want to serve retirees trying to figure out the best retirement plan that will allow them to live comfortably in their later years?

Understanding who you're serving will not only speed up your channel growth, but will exponentially increase how much money your channel can make.

Sadly, many people fall into the trap of building a multi-market channel, which, as the name implies, is one that serves numerous audiences at once.

This is especially common in the personal finance niche.

Channel owners will assume that anything under the personal finance umbrella is relevant to their channel and audience, when this is far from the case.

Those who enjoy watching real estate videos are not necessarily those that enjoy watching budgeting videos.

Misunderstanding this key concept and building a multi-market channel is a great way to minimize the amount of views that your channel will generate and squander any chances you have of making a sizable income on YouTube.

Here's an example of a channel that fell into this trap.

With over 550,000 subscribers, this channel is struggling to generate even a thousand views per video.

Why is that the case?

Because they're trying to serve too many markets at once.

They're trying to help students make more money while also giving tips on moving and living a frugal lifestyle.

These are three different target audiences, meaning that people who come for one video may not be likely to watch the others, resulting in a very weak view baseline on the channel.

Not only does making this mistake cripple your growth, but promoting an offer to varying audiences is likely to result in very poor conversion rates and the inability to make any money outside of the ad revenue your channel generates.

Therefore, if you're serious about making money on YouTube, then this is a channel type you absolutely need to avoid.

In tomorrow's (August 31st at 2 p.m. EST) $10,000 Per Month Niche Framework Workshop, I'll be sharing with you not only the nine other channel types that you need to avoid, but also walking you through how to identify and validate the perfect niche for your YouTube goals.

The deadline to sign up for tomorrow's workshop is tonight at midnight EST.

Yes, that's right, enrollment for the workshop closes in 16 hours from now.

Tickets to attend the workshop are just $100.

Sign up using the link below and you'll receive your meeting link immediately.

Talk tomorrow,
