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The BIGGEST Mistake You Can Make With Your New YouTube Channel

If you want to build a successful channel you can't make this mistake...

There are a lot of mistakes you can make on YouTube

Trust me, I’ve made most of them!

For example, mistakes you could make include:

  • Choosing the wrong niche

  • Using boring titles

  • Producing less than inspiring thumbnails

If you want examples of these mistakes you can see some below…

While these mistakes are bad

They pale in comparison to the BIGGEST mistake you can make

What is that mistake?

Falling into the “I don’t have time” trap

Look, I know that building a YouTube channel is time consuming

You have to come up with video ideas, create scripts, voiceovers, edit and package your video on top of it all

Then you have to rinse and repeat the process into perpetuity

It’s not easy, especially when balancing the demands of your job, family, health and the list goes on

In fact, it’s these other life factors that push people into the “I don’t have time” trap

But what happens when you fall into this trap?

Here’s the chain of events…

  1. Make excuse about time

  2. Begin posting less or not at all

  3. Lose channel momentum

  4. Get frustrated with channel results

  5. Quit and move onto next business model

Sadly, I’ve seen this happen time and again…

When falling into this trap, you lose two things:

  1. The ability to build a monthly cashflowing online asset

  2. The confidence in your ability improve your current situation

Personally, I think the latter is more detrimental but that’s just me

Fortunately, with YouTube automation, there’s no reason you should ever fall into the “I don’t have time” trap

Here are two strategies I’ve used (and you can too) to overcome any time crunch you may be experiencing…

Strategy #1: Time Audit

Ask my fiancé, friends or family and they will tell you I am a stickler for time

I am that way because I used to waste a lot of it and lost out on many opportunities as a result

In fact, I almost lost out on building my own faceless YouTube channel as back in the day I was a very poor manager of time

When I started on YouTube, I was working 50+ hours a week in management consulting

And I would tell myself “I have no time” to build an online business

Lo and behold, when I applied my audit skills to my own time what I saw was:

  • 1 hour a day of Netflix

  • 2 hours a day of social media

That’s 21 hours a week I was wasting…

Which is more than enough time to build a profitable channel

So if right now time is your #1 enemy in building up your channel do this

For the next week, log what you do for each waking hour of the day

At week’s end, review your time spent and identify low-value activities

Replace that time with content creation time - problem solved!

Strategy #2: Outsourcing

One of my favourite shows of all time is Letterkenny

It’s a show about citizens of a small town in Ontario who love hockey, beer and simple living

One of the shows best quotes is “more hands make for less work”

In your YouTube journey, this is absolutely true

If you’re pressed for time (even after doing your time audit) then outsourcing parts of your video production process can help you sidestep the “I don’t have time” trap

As I mention in Tube Freedom there are three potential roles you can assume when building a channel:

  • Operator (Produces all content)

  • Manager (Oversees production team)

  • Owner (Provides channel vision)

If you “don’t have time” you’re likely assuming the role of the Operator

There’s nothing wrong with this as it’s the most budget friendly option

But it’s also the most time intensive…

If time is becoming an issue, the best way out is to bring more hands on deck

Outsourcing even one aspect of the video creation process can save you hours a week

But more importantly can keep your channel moving in the right direction

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch