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The BIGGEST Mistake You Can Make With Your New YouTube Channel

When starting a new YouTube channel, people want to achieve two things:

  1. Grow Fast

  2. Make Money

Both are commendable goals and good reasons to take your channel seriously

As someone who’s made lifechanging money from YouTube I can tell you it’s worth the effort required

However, many people apply the wrong approach to growing and monetizing their channels

This mistaken approach stems from a flaw in their mindset

I call this misconstrued mindset the “worker” mindset

The mind of a worker (laborer, knowledge worker etc.) has been conditioned to believe that more is more

  • More effort = more praise

  • More output = more money

  • More sacrifice = more advancement

Often times this is the case…

But YouTube isn’t a 9-5 job, it’s an open market

It’s a meritocracy and only quality videos will move your YouTube needle forward

This is why when a creator makes a video that mimics the storytelling of a Netflix series like the ones below they generate millions of views

James Jani on YouTube

While also earning the creator revenues for years and years to come…

However, with the worker mindset that many creators have they decide to take the opposite approach

They believe that casting the most lines into the YouTube ocean is the best way to catch fish (attract viewers, subscribers and sales)

So what they do is take the quantity approach, making as many videos as possible

Here’s why that’s simply not an effective method…

YouTube promotes videos with high retention rates


Because the more people watch, the more ads they can display

The more ads they can display, the more money YouTube makes

Follow the dollars and you will always find your answer…

However, if you are trying win on YouTube with a quantity approach here’s what happens

You will either self-produce or outsource a ton of mediocre videos

Each video will be consumed by a set of viewers

Given that each video won’t be overly valuable people won’t watch through

Your mediocre video gets an average view duration of 20-40%

YouTube sees the metrics and says…

“This video isn’t making us money, let’s promote a different video”

Unfortunately, that “different video” is not likely to be yours if every video you make is just mediocre

This same notion can be seen in sports

It’s only the best athletes who get the most attention and make the most money

So, what should you do?

Spend more time and resources making less videos, but better videos

What’s a better video? Good question

Better, in the context of YouTube, could be better:

  • Production quality

  • Video ideas

  • Storytelling

  • Hooks, intros, calls to action

Now, you won’t be able to become a YouTube superstar overnight

But if you release your next video, analyze it using the strategies I share in Module 7 of Tube Freedom, and try and make the next video slightly better

In a year’s time you’ll be producing high performing videos that will have your channel taking off

On YouTube, getting just a bit better every day is truly the name of the game

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch