The BIGGEST Cheat Code For YouTube Success

If you want to grow fast this is what you need to know...

There’s a saying that goes "A rising tide lifts all boats"

If you’ve never heard this saying before its premise is simple

This aphorism exemplifies the idea that an improved economy will benefit all participants

What does this have to do with YouTube?


In the same way where the majority of investors will benefit in an upward economy

YouTube channels positioned in the right niches will also reap major rewards when interest in that topic skyrockets

To illustrate the raw power of proper niche positioning I want to share one of my friend’s channels

Now, his channel is not a faceless channel but the lesson will relate no matter what format you choose

One of the first people I connected with when joining X (formerly Twitter) was YourFriendAndy

At the time he was just starting his second YouTube channel and focusing on financial products (e.g. bank accounts, investing apps etc.)

Shortly after, he pivoted into crypto as this is where his interests truly lied

While it was great for him to shift his channel’s focus to a topic he truly loved

At the time, general interest in crypto was definitely not as “hot” as it used to be

And because of this, demand was low and for Andy, channel growth was minimal

Here’s his channel’s growth during the crypto lull…

He gained about 10,000 subscribers over the course of 2023

But then something happened…

The Bitcoin ETF was introduced

Interest in crypto came back alive

And the rising tide once again lifted all boats (including Andy’s)

Here’s more recent growth from his channel:

Since January 2024, he’s gained 10,000 subscribers

That’s equal to what he gained in all of 2023…

This is why in Tube Freedom I not only share the key criteria for selecting your ideal niche

But also provide a list of 50 that you can use to help get your journey started…

No matter how good your videos are without proper niche demand you will struggle to grow

On the flipside, when demand is high, being at the right place and the right time can be a blessing for your channel’s overall success…

Therefore, if you want to play YouTube on easy mode

Position your channel for maximal demand

And let the market to all of the work…

Ps. All the channel review slots have been taken

If you wanted a review but missed out

You can put your name on the waitlist here

Until tomorrow,
