Alex Hormozi's DIRTY YouTube Secret

Alex Hormozi has a dirty little secret…

And I’m about to expose exactly what it is

No, it’s not his secret to big arms or that he actually has something to sell you

His secret runs much, much deeper…

Before we continue I have to admit that perhaps his secret isn’t as dirty as I’m letting on

In fact, I’m a huge Alex Hormozi fan

To me he says what he means and means what he says and that’s something I can get behind

But I wasn’t lying about him having a secret and once revealed will truly open your eyes to the power of marketing on YouTube

You see Alex understands the YouTube game much deeper than you’d expect

The guy is running multi-million dollar companies yet finds a way to also generate 100,000s of views on his videos

He does this by using a secret marketing tactic

This tactic is what I like to call “Thumbnail Swapping”

You may or may not have realized this before but top YouTubers take their titles and thumbnails very seriously

These creators will generate handfuls of titles and thumbnails for every single video…

Alex is one of these creators and reaps the benefits of putting this extra effort in

For example, he recently released the video “My 12 Hour Work Day (in 15 Minutes)”

51,000 views in 5 hours…not bad, right?

Well, at first things were not looking so good for Alex and his new release (first thumbnail as seen below):

Two hours after release, the video had just 6,500 views

You might’ve been doing cartwheels if you got this many views in a handful of hours but for Alex this was below-average performance

Not to worry though as Alex had a trick up his sleeve!

He then decided to deploy a new thumbnail as seen here:

Unfortunately, the change did little for his overall view count as his view graph remained flat…

So what did he do? He swapped thumbnails again to the following:

And then things started taking off…

The video skyrocketed from 6,500 views to over 20,000 views in about an hour!

As the graph shows, the video only kept gaining momentum from there

However, without pre-making numerous thumbnails these on the fly adjustments wouldn’t have been possible

It’s for this reason that I suggest you make numerous titles and thumbnails for each of your videos

Now, you may be thinking to yourself “but that could mean wasting tons of time making thumbnails I’ll never use”

And in the past this was true…

If you had a thumbnail hit right away all those backups would be useless

However, that’s no longer the case…

YouTube just recently announced that in 2024 it will allow creators to begin A/B testing their thumbnails by uploading multiple versions

This means you can compare the clickthrough rates of different thumbnails

With YouTube pushing the version that’s getting you the most clicks

More clicks → more views → more subscribers, watch time and $$$

As mentioned, this feature is still a few months away

Until then you can only access this feature through a paid TubeBuddy Legend membership (affiliate link) which I highly recommend as a tide me over until next year

The takeaway here is that YouTube is competitive

Winning requires a combination of both strategy and effort

And while thumbnail preparation and A/B testing may not get you biceps as big as Alex’s

It sure can bring to your channel a ton more views

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch